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[Jul. 25th, 2013|04:55 am]

The gates of Konoha were always a welcome sight coming back from a ten-hour patrol. Genma rolled his shoulders and tipped his head back to let a hint of breeze caress his throat and filter up under the edge of his mask. At his left, Morioka-taichou in her bird-shaped mask did the same, while behind them the faint scuffle of footsteps suggested Imahara and Uchiha Yusuke were starting to let their fatigue show, now that home was so near.

The guard at the gate signal-flashed them with a mirror; Morioka lifted a black-gloved hand and returned the all clear. “It’s not going to be a complicated report,” she said, addressing the whole team. “I don’t think we need much of a debrief unless there’s something one of you saw and didn’t tell me about.”

“Not a thing,” Imahara said. “For a level-four security alert, that was a cakewalk of a patrol.”

“Speak for yourself,” Yusuke said. “I’m still suffering from that horrible thing you called lunch.”

“I’ll be sure to put it in my report,” Morioka told them. “Lieutenant Uchiha suffered a near-fatal incident involving a pickled egg.”

Imahara laughed. “Tomorrow we should make Shiranui bring the lunch. He’s got connections. How about some of those chestnut paste buns, huh Shiranui?”

Genma chuckled. “Sorry, I was just a loaner for the day. My team’s getting its new rookies tomorrow. But you can always stop by the bakery. Show my dad your tattoo and he’ll give you a discount.”

“Oh well, it was worth a shot,” Imahara said. “When do we get Ono back, captain?”

“I’ll find out tonight,” Morioka said.

They stopped at the gate itself, exchanging passwords with the guards.

Genma was surprised to find Raidou waiting just inside the wall. He was dressed in a regular jounin uniform, standing with his arms crossed over his chest and impatient look on his unmasked face. He had a set of folders tucked under one elbow. Genma waved him a salute and flicked a “hold” sign at him.

“That’s my captain,” he told Morioka. “And it looks like he’s got something urgent. Need anything else from me before I split?”

“No, we’re good. Thanks for filling in for us,” she told him.

“No problem.” Genma spun around to look at Imahara and Yusuke, and tapped his tattoo. “Thanks, guys. It’s been fun. Hi to Ono for me when you get him back.”

It had taken no more than thirty seconds to take his leave, but Raidou didn’t look any less impatient.

“Hi,” Genma said. “What’s up?”

The impatience dissolved into an enthusiastic grin. “We’ve got our rookies,” Raidou said.

“That good?” Genma asked.

Raidou nodded. “Let’s take this off the street. You okay to come to my place?”

“Works for me,” Genma said. “Especially if you’ve got tea or beer.” He fell in step with Raidou, surprised when they didn’t turn towards any of the residential districts, but headed in a straight line for the monument.

“You still live in barracks?” Genma asked.

Raidou shrugged. “It’s convenient.”
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