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[Jul. 7th, 2013|11:34 pm]

Raidou’s shoulder was wet, and Ryouma’s face was flushed raw, with eyes that didn’t want to meet Raidou’s. This was a tricky part, too, when relief gave way to shame, and all the treacherous parts of the hindbrain crowded up and said you gave too much.

Carefully, he reached up and tipped Ryouma’s chin down with two fingers, until Ryouma looked at him.

“Thank you,” said Raidou, and meant it.

That brought a grin out of Ryouma, wry, but glass-fragile at the edges. “I was pretty good, huh?” he said, like there was any doubt. “So were you.”

Raidou laughed and hauled Ryouma back down, employing a little bit of shinobi sleight-of-hand to get them both under the blankets without too much effort, now that they’d cooled down and a chill was creeping in. “You were great,” he said. “I was fantastic, obviously, but we knew that going in—”

Ryouma’s elbow dug into his ribs. “I’m a good judge of character,” Ryouma said smugly, rearranging himself in the loose hold of Raidou’s arms. He didn’t press as close this time, preferring to sprawl, with one arm thrown across Raidou’s chest. “And hotness.”

“Congratulations on having eyes,” Raidou said, highly amused.

Ryouma actually snickered, which was a hilarious sound coming from a man built like a panther. “Usually I’m the one saying that.” He settled down, pillowing his head comfortably on Raidou’s shoulder, and added drowsily: “You've set a new gold standard, anyway. How many of your former lovers kill themselves in disappointment when no one else measures up?”

That had to rank as one of the most alarming compliments Raidou had ever gotten.

“Hopefully none,” he said. “Don’t feel compelled to do that. There is other sex worth living for.”

Ryouma yawned. “If I come back from this one, I guess I’ll see. D’you drink coffee?”

Raidou hesitated. That didn’t sound like the beginning angle for a date invitation, but they hadn’t actually covered the morning after conversation yet. He’d just assumed Ryouma was on the same page. The ANBU tattoo wasn’t exactly subtle.

“On missions,” Raidou said.

“I won’t leave you any, then.” Ryouma was getting heavier, warmer, eyes drifting shut. “'f I'm gone when you wake up, just shut the door behind you; it'll lock itself. Y'can use the shower if you want. Eat anything.” He yawned again. “Guess you can do that if you wake up before me, too.”

Or maybe they were on the same page after all.
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