ANBU Legacy - Gone to Ground [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
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Gone to Ground [Jun. 9th, 2013|10:26 pm]
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[User Picture]From: [info]ueno_katsuko
2013-06-10 06:01 am (UTC)


Shiranui glanced over at Raidou for a quick second, then back to Katsuko. “Nothing you need to be sorry about. Wall duty is boring.” Quietly, he added, “Come on, Ueno, taking you for a tea would give me the perfect excuse for a cig.”

Raidou looked at them both, clearly unhappy, but said, “Take ten, both of you. Get some better air.”

They were managing her. Katsuko nodded, not wanting to make a scene, and gave Raidou a salute. “Taichou.”

Raidou nodded at her and returned his attention out over the wall. Katsuko turned and dipped her chin at Shiranui, following a step behind when he started down the walkway.

The lunch crew was still handing out food a little ways down the wall. Katsuko received her styrofoam cup full of scalding hot tea, pushed her mask aside, and drank it in silence, uncaring that it burned on the way down.

Shiranui had performed the face-hiding genjutsu on them again and pushed his own mask up. He materialized a pack of cigarettes from one of his belt pouches and held it out. “You smoke?”

“Not regularly.” Katsuko set her tea aside and took a cigarette. “Got a light?”

Shiranui gave her a quizzical look, but Katsuko remained impassive. She didn’t have enough energy to explain that trying to light the cigarette on her own would end up with it exploding. After a moment he shrugged, lit his cigarette, and then took hers and repeated the tiny flame jutsu. He handed it back to her with its tip ember-red and glowing.

Katsuko stuck the cigarette between her lips and inhaled, closing her eyes at the first rush of nicotine. She opened them again when Shiranui spoke.

“Want me to patch that up for you?” His gaze flickered to her bitten lip. “I’m a field medic.”

“I’m fine, lieutenant.” Katsuko gave him a polite smile. “I’ll let it heal on its own. Thanks for the smoke.”

He slouched back against the wall, looking off into the distance. “Yeah. You’re not fine. You don’t have to tell me why, but you don’t need to bother pretending, either.” He took another drag and tipped his head up to blow out a thin stream of smoke. “Don’t worry, Ueno. We’re teammates. I’ve got your back.”

Katsuko looked away. “Thanks,” she said at last, surprised when it came out sincere.