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Run, Rabbit, Run [Jun. 9th, 2013|08:59 pm]
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[User Picture]From: [info]shiranui_genma
2013-06-10 04:48 am (UTC)


Tousaki looked bad. His breathing was shallow, his skin clammy, and that cut across his wrist was deep enough to be alarming. The only mercy was the steadiness of the bleeding—the ulnar artery was still intact. Genma’s gloved hands twisted through a series of seals, lighting with a cool green glow as he held them over Tousaki’s wrist, splicing cut veins back together. He dropped the jutsu as soon as the bleeding had stopped—nerves and tendons would have to wait until Tousaki was stable, which he most definitely wasn’t yet.

He looked poisoned.

Genma snapped a bright white glowstick into life, casting eerie shadows across his patient. “Moon, what kind of needle did you see him get hit with?” he called over his shoulder.

“Hypodermic, back of the neck,” Raidou answered.

A quick inspection showed the faintest trace of a needle mark. There were a number of knock-out drugs and poisons that might be at work, then. Tousaki’s respiratory rate and sweating made it easy to discount a few of them. Genma reached for an eyelid to check Tousaki’s pupils.

He was startled to find an anxious brown eye looking back at him.

“Tousaki? Are you conscious?”

The eye twitched.

“Okay, hang on. You’re going to be okay,” Genma told him. He let Tousaki’s eye slip shut, reaching for his med kit with practiced hands. There were two likely suspects: a poison made from salamander secretions, and one that came from a night-blooming cactus. Two entirely different antidotes. The poisoner had been a Konoha ninja, though, which made the amphibian toxin the more likely. Genma filled a syringe from a vial of eresine, working as quickly as it was safe to do.

Tousaki’s breath rattled in his throat like a dying man’s.