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Choose Your Blade [Jun. 9th, 2013|07:17 pm]
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[User Picture]From: [info]hatake_kakashi
2013-06-10 01:55 am (UTC)


“To what?” Kakashi asked.

Ryouma blinked at him. For a man that defensive about his jutsu, he seemed pretty surprised any time Kakashi expressed an actual interest.

“To, uh, well,” Ryouma started, stumbled, and visibly regrouped. “To something I can use more'n twice a day. And less messy, hopefully. It was supposed to just wreck the heart, 'cause one of my old captains kept complaining about the mess and the smell. But so far it pretty much just melts everything inside the ribcage.” He gestured with both hands, as if holding the disintegrating lobes of someone’s lungs. “I'm still working it out. You get less chance to practice when you only use it on the battlefield.”

“Have you tried the morgue?”

“Y’know, I never have,” Ryouma said, after a long, thoughtful stare that left Kakashi feeling oddly measured. “I took care of bodies sometimes, in the war, when we didn't have the time for cremations and burials, but— I always kind of figured that was different. People wouldn't want me messing with their relatives back here.” His mouth twitched; he jerked his chin at the field. “First time I've ever done a pig, either. ANBU has a bigger budget than I do. I used to sneak into the Forest of Death when I was younger, though. Nobody'd mind an exploded giant centipede or ten.”

War orphans used to hunt in the Forest. They didn’t now. The Fourth had started programs.

“The med students get most of the donated bodies,” Kakashi said. “But you could request one after they’re done. Intel use them, and T&I.”

And ANBU, he’d heard. Practice for dismembering fallen comrades on the field. Ryouma might be a shoe-in just for that.

“Huh.” The barest edge of Ryouma’s mouth curled up, like a hook. “Guess I could put my masculine wiles to good use. Do some persuading. Jutsu research is a good cause, isn’t it?”

“You have wiles?” Kakashi said.

“When I don't look like a drowned rat and smell like a battlefield— Why, yes, Hatake, thanks for noticing,” Ryouma drawled. He dragged a hand through his hair, raking it into black-glass spikes, and flashed a grin. “Generally I like to start things with a striptease. Improvise from there.”

Kakashi was pretty sure he’d read a scene like this about five minutes ago, except Ikeda Terumasa-sama had been much more naked, and also a tragic samurai. “Are you hitting on me?”