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[May. 22nd, 2017|01:59 am]

Kakashi had stopped struggling. He lay with his face turned and his cheek pressed into the dirt, a smear of mud across his mask and a distinct smirk curving his eye.

The breath-stealing edge of his killing intent had died from the air, too. Ryouma'd never known anyone to actually radiate smugness before.

"You didn't touch Taichou," he pointed out, leaning into Kakashi's pinned arms. At this angle it would still be pressure, not yet pain. "Doesn't count."

"I would have, if a double agent hadn't hit me in the back." But there was no bite to his voice; he sounded almost proud, as if a successful double cross was something worthy of praise. "Kin is a proxy," he added. "Still counts." His wrists flexed testingly in Ryouma's grip. Ryouma squeezed back.

Kin-the-proxy seemed mostly occupied with trying to wash streaky mud off Raidou's face. He had one arm pinned beneath her body and was trying to defend himself with the other. They seemed about equally matched.

"Hatake, call your dog off," he ordered.

Kin yipped happily and licked his mouth.

"Call yours off first," Kakashi said, dryly.

"I'm a Ram, not a dog," Ryouma informed him. "We only sometimes do what we're told."

"He's got you there," Genma laughed. "Pretty sure you're the hound." He'd come out of his brief tussle with Tsuyoshi with nothing more than a tear in his shirt and a few leaves in his tousled hair. The wolf-dog was sitting seven or eight meters away, further up the ridge and well out of the sulfur stench, pretending to ignore them all.

Genma pulled a leaf from behind his ear and teased it in front of Kin's nose. She snapped and missed. Her tail thwacked Raidou's knees.

"I'll take over for you, Taichou," Genma said. "You can handle the hostage negotiations." He tossed the leaf up, then tackled Kin in her moment of distraction. She rolled off Raidou, barking in delight.

Raidou sat up, pulled the hem of his shirt up to wipe his face, and raked a handful of muddy leaves out of his hair. He looked over at Kakashi and Ryouma. "I'm starting to think the blood-thirsty pack is an elaborate sham."

"You got me," Kakashi drawled. "We're secretly warm and fluffy." His hips shifted. He'd managed to find purchase for his knees in the wet leaves, and he bucked sharply upward and then twisted, trying to roll into the mount position.

Dammit, he should've gone for hooks from the start. Or an actual armbar, instead of just a pin. Ryouma flattened his chest to Kakashi's back and rolled with him, seizing the moment to hook his legs inside Kakashi's thighs. He lost his grip on Kakashi's left arm, but that hadn't been a hold with any leverage, anyway.

Before Kakashi could free his other arm for a jutsu, Ryouma snaked his own left arm around Kakashi's neck. Kakashi drove his pinned fist viciously into Ryouma's ribs. He was sweat-slick and slippery, writhing muscle and chakra-fueled strength. His left hand grappled at Ryouma's wrist, almost breaking the chokehold.

Ryouma took a risk, and let him break it.

Momentum carried Kakashi's elbow outside the line of his body. Ryouma forced it further, past his hooked knee, and swung over into a joint-locking armbar. Leaves squelched and slithered under his back.

Kakashi wasn't tapping out.
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