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[May. 22nd, 2017|01:19 am]

The lieutenant's coordination and reaction times seemed normal, and he didn't appear abnormally sensitive to light. He reported, smiling faintly, that he wasn't experiencing confusion or blurred vision or inability to concentrate. "I do have a headache, though." His gaze dropped to Pakkun, who had pillowed his muzzle on his paws and appeared to be taking a nap. His voice sank to a thread of a whisper. "The dogs were a really asshole move, huh?"

Ryouma knew better than to look back, but he darted a glance over his shoulder anyway. Kakashi was up on the lip of the quarry, apparently talking to the three dogs there, though Ryouma couldn't actually hear anything. A moment later Kin and the wolf-dog Tsuyoshi broke off for the trees, leaving hulking Baiji to guard. Kakashi sat down on the edge of the quarry beside him and devoted himself to scratching Baiji's ears.

Pakkun, at least, understood human speech. Ryouma was willing to bet Baiji did too. And Kakashi's hearing was insane. He kept his voice low but steady, assuming they'd catch it anyway. "They killed two of my clones."

And Kakashi'd pinned him down and controlled him effortlessly, and had seen it as nothing more than a game.

Genma said quietly, "Clones don't die from minor strikes. If I were you, I'd be really pissed." His fingers curled in his lap, in a handsign Ryouma took a moment to recognize. Regroup and fresh assault. And then work together, with the twist that made it a question.

Ryouma hesitated.

He'd given Kakashi his word. And Kakashi had trusted him, immediately and without question. But Kakashi had also hunted him with dogs, and Ryouma'd saved him from poison anyway. That probably fulfilled his obligations. Mostly.

He signed back, quickly: Hurt and turned it into a negative command. Don't.

Agree, Genma signed, and help captain. He said aloud, "I think I'll be alright. I'll take some painkillers when we have lunch. Just wasn't braced for that impact at all, so it rattled me a little. Has my nose stopped bleeding yet?"

Ryouma checked the bandage. "You're good, I think." He pushed to his feet and offered Genma a hand up. He hoped Genma's heavy lean was just for appearance's sake. Pakkun sat up, shook himself mightily, and yawned.

At the top of the quarry, Baiji gave a deep, sonorous bark that vibrated in Ryouma's bones. Kakashi stretched. His shirt hitched up, baring a pale slice of side.

Ryouma looked away.

"I have a headache, too," he announced. "Since you've got both of us now, can you send the dogs back?"

"Can either one of you track by scent?" Kakashi inquired.

"No," Genma said. "But I know where he went."

The pause drew itself out. Ryouma snuck a glance up at Kakashi and saw him standing with one hand on Baiji's head, a brow raised, waiting.

Genma met his gaze. "Follow me."

He headed for the other side of the quarry, where an overgrown trail led back into the forest. Kakashi inclined his head and dropped down off the quarry ledge.

His dogs split off without any obvious signal, surging past Genma to spread out among the trees. Ryouma was probably only imagining the ground shaking at Baiji's footfalls.

Kakashi ran behind them, light-footed and easy, every step sure. Genma kept pace.

Ryouma followed up as rearguard, and tried not to look guilty.
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