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Light Me Up [Apr. 8th, 2017|07:02 pm]
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[User Picture]From: [info]sakamoto_ginta
2017-04-08 11:21 pm (UTC)


“Probably,” Ginta agreed. He let them down an angled alley towards the park by the river. “Namiashi was worried about me for some reason, too. He all but accused me of interfering with his rookies. You were there, Tousaki was the one who suggested going out. And he was the one who said Hatake was on board with it. I don’t really seem creepy and predatory, do I?”

Kurenai cocked her head. “You’re an ANBU lieutenant, a blackmailer, a thief, and a killer. Who in their right mind would trust you with an adult ANBU agent who rots faces?”

“Well when you put it like that...” Ginta laughed. “Anyway, there’s always next time. We just need a distraction for Kakashi. Then I’ll keep Tousaki occupied.” Very occupied. “And you can have your wicked way with Team Six’s officers.”

Kurenai smirked. “And of course we’re waiting until after you recalibrate the betting pool. Tell me before you do,” she added. “I may want to change my bets.”

“You know that’s probably unethical. You’re materially affecting the possible outcomes now, and you have insider information.” Ginta tapped the side of his nose. “Smart woman. That’s why we’re friends.”

Kurenai sighed. “You should have been in Intel. Though with colleagues like those and the ANBU uniform, I suppose I really can’t blame you.”

“The next Trials are in October.” Ginta skipped a few steps ahead of her so he could walk backwards, facing her. “You’d look good in our uniform. Much better than that shapeless Intel thing.”

“And show up for physical training at 0500?” Kurenai wrinkled her nose and delicately shuddered. “I’ll stick to custom-tailored greys, thanks all the same.”

“That’s just Team Six. Namiashi’s one of those people who likes to exercise the second he wakes up, and Genma’s spent his entire life getting up at 0400 with his dad to bake the morning bread.” Ginta turned to check his heading, then flipped back around to face Kurenai again. “Some of us have more civilized leadership. When I’m a captain, I’ll never make my team get up before 0630 unless we have a mission.”

“I thought you intended to never be a captain. ‘Power behind the throne,’ wasn’t it?” Kurenai said.

“I said I’d never be Hokage,” Ginta corrected. “I’ll have to spend some time as a captain before I can become ANBU commander. When Sagara retires, of course,” he added. “She’ll definitely outlast Kuroda, by the way. I’m not even taking bets on that one anymore.”

Amusement lit Kurenai’s eyes.

“The only reason I’m not captain already,” Ginta continued, “is because I was asked to stay a lieutenant this year, to help break in a new captain. Usagi and I are a good team, and I’m getting good experience.”

“To be applied at some future date, when you need to manage a new Hokage?” Kurenai teased. Perfectly red lips parted in an easy smile. “Well, if you’re planning to be promoted to captain next year, I assume you’d get a couple of experienced veterans under you. There’s your chance to nab Tousaki, perhaps…”

“I intend to ‘nab’ him a lot sooner than that.” Ginta swung around again, and hooked his arm companionably through Kurenai’s. “Just for a good time, though. I’d love to have him on my team as a veteran, but Namiashi would probably have kittens about it.” He shrugged. “Team makeup isn’t up to the ANBU officers anyway. Minato-sama makes the assignments himself, with input from Sagara and the other commanders. Your boss gets a say, did you know that?”

“Oita Gennosuke has a say in everything that happens in Konoha.” Kurenai tilted her chin up at the pink and white glow of the crêpe vendor’s paper lanterns ahead of them. “Except whether we head back to the club after crêpes. I don’t have training in the morning.”

“Club,” Ginta said instantly. “We’re both looking much too fabulous to go home alone. There were plenty of hot guys in there to choose from.” He tilted his head against Kurenai’s shoulder and smiled at her. “Want to make a bet on who gets picked up first?”