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Light Me Up [Apr. 8th, 2017|07:02 pm]
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[User Picture]From: [info]shiranui_genma
2017-04-08 10:59 pm (UTC)


The music slowed to a syrupy tempo and the beat took a decidedly erotic turn. Kurenai put both her hands on Genma’s hips, matching his sway to her own, and tugged him closer. He was inches away from grinding on her, and she on Raidou behind her. He looked down at her and laughed. “Are you trying to get us in trouble with our rookies?”

“Why?” she asked. “Would they care?”

“Mmm. Not sure,” Genma said. “Probably not about what you’d think they’d care about.” Kakashi might care about knowing exactly where to find them, and Ryouma might care about being left out, but realistically… Would anyone really care? “Maybe not.” He grinned back at her, then over her shoulder at Raidou, and wasn’t sure which of them was more attractive.

Raidou’s gaze was hot and full of desire. He glanced down at Kurenai, then back at Genma, locking eyes with him.

Genma felt his lips part on a heated breath. He leaned closer...

And Raidou pulled away. He squeezed his eyes shut briefly, let out a slow, regretful breath, and took a step back, leaving Kurenai in Genma’s arms. “I need to get some water.”

It broke the spell enough for Genma’s rational brain to send up several flares labeled did you just try to kiss your captain? The rest of him would happily have followed through on that kiss.

Kurenai said, “Are you all right?” Her head was tipped back, eyes full of concern, and Genma realized he’d abruptly stopped dancing when Raidou stepped away.

“I… uh… Yeah. Fine.” He caught the rhythm of the music in his shoulders and hips again, and pulled a grin together for her. His hands found the curve of her waist, the swell of her hips, and if he couldn’t have both, one was still completely fine, in all the senses of the word.

That was when Ginta appeared, an unwelcome chaperone with drinks in hand. “Where’d the other third of this ménage go? What did you do now, Kurenai-chan?”

“You didn’t pass him?” Kurenai turned to give the bar a narrow eyed look.

“Of course I passed him,” Ginta said. “But I wasn’t going to ask him. He was on his way to the men’s room.”

“I’d like to have a few words with you in the men’s room,” Genma muttered.

“Oh, is that what we’re calling it now?” Ginta laughed and slugged back one of the shots before he offered the tray to Kurenai. “Are you sure it’s me you want to have ‘words’ with, Gen-kun?”

For the love of everything that was holy… Genma took one of the shots for himself and gulped it back before he strangled the little runt.

Kurenai raised a wry eyebrow. “As if you’d turn him down.”

“Me? Turn Genma down?” Ginta laughed. “I’ve never turned down an opportunity to have words with Gen-kun. We had words just a few weeks ago, in fact, before the mission.”

“Have you ever heard of discretion?” Genma sighed.

“Nope,” Ginta said cheerily. “What’s discretion?”

Kurenai downed one of the drinks from Ginta’s tray. “What happened to your dancing boy?”

“Ikemoto? He’s over there.” Ginta pointed in the direction of a densely packed crowd of revellers closer to the DJ. There were so many writhing bodies it was impossible to tell which one Ginta meant.

Kurenai’s lips tilted up in a knowing smile. “Holding out hope for Tousaki, are you?”

Ginta smirked and shrugged one shoulder. “The night is young.”

There was something unsettling about that idea, but it was hard to pin down exactly what. Maybe just the familiarity he had with Ryouma. There wasn’t a person alive that Ryouma wouldn’t flirt with if given the chance, after all.

Genma stopped himself from reaching for another one of the lethal blue shots on Ginta’s tray. His head was swimming enough as it was. It would probably be a good idea to follow Raidou’s example and go get some water. But Kurenai was still swaying attractively to the beat right there, with flushed cheeks and that clinging dress... Maybe Ginta could be persuaded to get back to pursuing his dancer—