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Light Me Up [Apr. 8th, 2017|07:02 pm]
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[User Picture]From: [info]sakamoto_ginta
2017-04-08 10:28 pm (UTC)


“Now that’s a man I don’t mind seeing go,” Usagi said.

“As long as he comes back.” Ginta stepped into Ryouma’s place to dance with Usagi. “Don’t look now, but you have a stalker.”

She craned her head instantly. “Where?”

“My eight-o-clock. Short, dark, and murderous.” Satomi was almost invisible in her black mesh and leather, and she hadn’t budged from her carefully selected corner. “You should ask her to dance before she detonates.”

“Squirrelly little bastard,” Usagi said. She rumpled Ginta’s hair with affection before heading off to tame the wild Uchiha beast.

“Tousaki and I will drink your beer for you,” he called after her.

“You’ll owe me two more,” she shot back.

Ginta shrugged and grinned. “Worth it.”

The strobes changed again, pink and blue arcs sweeping the smoky air. Black light made Ginta’s body paint glow, and caught streaks and glitters on painted skin all over the dance floor. While he waited for Ryouma to come back, he danced with a couple of half-dressed shinobi in tight pants. One wore something that looked like a too-small t-shirt that had had its front, back, and sides cut away, leaving only a strip of fabric over his shoulders connecting the sleeves. The other wore a striped hachimaki over sweeping hakama. “You’d better have a proper fundoshi on under there, if you’re playing samurai dressup,” Ginta shouted over the pounding music.

“Want to find out?” Samurai boy rolled his hips in time to the beat.

“Of course I do,” Ginta mirrored his dance moves. “Maybe later.”

The dancer leaned close enough Ginta could feel the heat coming off his skin. “Come find me when you’re ready.”

If things didn’t work out with Ryouma tonight, and Genma had his own plans, Ginta had a backup in place.

Genma was still dancing with Raidou. And laughing. They were both laughing, dancing in tight sync despite the cushion of air between them. Genma was another wet dream tonight, in that slinky top and those tight jeans, and by the looks of it, Raidou was aware of it. Although maybe not aware that he was aware of it. Honestly, it was kind of sweet.

Ryouma reappeared while Ginta was still watching Team Six’s officers. “Saw Usagi with Satomi.” He handed over Ginta’s beverage — a three-layered frivolity in a champagne glass — and took a swig of his own drink. “I don’t think they’re coming back.”