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Light Me Up [Apr. 8th, 2017|07:02 pm]
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[User Picture]From: [info]sakamoto_ginta
2017-04-08 08:50 pm (UTC)


“I think Hatake didn’t convey the whole story of our conversation, if what you got out of it was that some ‘geezer on the Council’ is attempting to undermine the Hokage’s authority, and Kuroda is his tool. Kuroda’s fundamentally a powerless toadie, and he knows it. He might make our lives a little more miserable, like wet sand in your shorts on a long march, but he isn’t steering the ship.”

The conference table was surrounded by wheeled chairs. Ginta dropped into one and kicked himself off, letting momentum carry him backwards towards the wall. When he landed, he looked up at Ryouma, level and serious.

“ANBU are the Hokage’s personal guards and agents,” he said. “It’d take a lot more than some nasty-tempered bureaucrat being a dick to turn the loyalty of ANBU away from Minato-sama. For one thing, Sagara is on our side, and she’s no fool. And as for that geezer on the Council, he’d like to think he has the power to steal ANBU from Sagara’s control; he’d be dead wrong about that.”

“So there's nothing we can do but bend over and take it?” Ryouma’s bitterness was as raw as burnt flesh. “And then cuss him out later, when no one's listening?” Impotent rage sprang the last safety latch holding him back. “He made my lieutenant cry.”

Ginta hadn’t been able to pry that exact confession out of Genma or Kurenai, but it wasn’t a hard thing to imagine. Genma’d been exhausted and heartsick for the rest of their trip home. He’d kept his head down, done what was necessary to care for Team Thirteen’s injuries, and made himself scarce the rest of the time. Whenever Ginta’d gone to look for him, he’d been holed up in his team’s cabin with at least one other member of Team Six barring the door like it was a protection detail, insisting Genma was asleep.

He’d gathered Kuroda had tried to break Genma for the sadistic joy of it. If the worst that came of it was a few tears, that would actually be a relief.

According to a well-placed friend in ANBU’s support staff, Kuroda had filed a formal complaint with Sagara as soon as they’d returned to Konoha. Whether it was about Genma specifically, Team Six altogether, or both Six and Thirteen was unclear. Sagara hadn’t taken any action yet — probably waiting until she had all the reports in, with Tousaki’s being the last. And Tousaki definitely didn’t need to know there was a legitimate threat hanging over any of their heads.

Ginta thought for a moment, before he asked, “Have you asked Genma what he thinks should be done?”

Ryouma’s mouth twitched in reluctant amusement. “He said I could piss in Kuroda’s coffee.”