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[Feb. 26th, 2017|08:26 pm]

The cliffs were cold and bloody.

Kakashi felt the snapback death of his clone, saw the ship’s deck burst into movement. Then, seconds later, the falling star of Raidou’s chakra arrowing towards them.

“Namiashi’s on his way,” he said.

Usagi smiled with burned lips. “Good,” she rasped.

She was sitting on the rock she’d collapsed on, braced by Ginta’s narrow shoulders under her right arm. Her hand fell over his chest, fingers catching in bloodied bandages that wrapped up and around his neck. They both smelled like cooked flesh and, more worryingly, sweet infection. Usagi’s left eye was swollen to a narrow slit; the burns around it swept back over her ear and into her hair, raw and shiny, as well as down over her jaw. Ginta’s face wasn’t as bad, but his chest, neck, and shoulders were worse.

Abe sat at her feet, the color of sour milk. His left hand was bound up in a club of stained bandages and a makeshift sling. He’d already thrown up once.

Kasumi was the only one still on her feet, swaying with exhaustion. The hollows beneath her eyes were nearly purple.

They were all mud-covered, salt-streaked, shivering in the night air. Kurenai, Satomi, and Kuroda weren’t with them.

“You need to stand,” Kakashi told Usagi.

She squinted at him. “I’d tell you to piss off, but I’m not sure which one to tell.”

Ginta’s left eye was still bruised; both were narrowed. “Why? You said Namiashi was coming to us.”

“Because he can’t carry you both,” Kakashi said. “Can you stand?”

“I can see straight,” Ginta stonewalled.

“I can walk,” Abe said thickly. He swallowed hard. “In a minute.”

Kasumi’s legs trembled under her, but she kept her feet. Kakashi scratched chakra-walking off the list of possibilities for all four of them. They’d need to be carried down the cliffs.

Chakra flared behind him. Raidou leapt up over the cliff edge, skidded to a halt at Kakashi’s side, and demanded, “What the hell did you do to yourselves?”

Usagi gave him a hazy smile. “Did you know Kiri has acid bombs? Because that was news to me.”

Raidou winced and crouched down to look at her face. “Did they get your eyes? You’re not focusing.”

“She got hit in the head,” Abe said. He twitched his bandaged arm, and turned greener. “Broke my wrist; couldn’t do anything for her.”

Raidou’s frown deepened. “Painkillers?”

“Ran out this morning,” Usagi rasped.


Ginta’s mouth curled like a knife. “None still breathing.”

“Anything else I need to know?” Raidou said.

Abe swallowed again. “They both have low-grade fevers.”

“His wrist fracture is open,” Kasumi added.

Raidou reached over and pressed his hand to Abe’s forehead. “Make that three fevers. Did you pick the nastiest swamp to walk back through?”

“Only the best for us,” Usagi said.

Raidou snorted. “Okay, we’re gonna get you patched up. Usagi, you’re first. Abe second. Ginta third. Kasumi, sorry, you’re gonna have to hold out for a bit. Sit down before you fall over.”

Kasumi’s knees locked stubbornly. She had the look of someone who’d been burning willpower long enough that she’d forgotten how to do anything else. Kakashi briefly debated hooking a foot behind the back of her knee, but Ryouma solved the problem by arriving with a sudden snap of chakra that startled them all. Kasumi jerked back, lost her footing, and sat down hard.

Ryouma cast them all a wild-eyed look, registered the lack of dead bodies, and visibly dropped several ladder rungs of relief. “Lieutenant’s ready, Taichou.”
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