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Red Seas at Dawn [Feb. 7th, 2017|09:27 pm]
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[User Picture]From: [info]shiranui_genma
2017-02-08 03:44 am (UTC)


Emotionally unstable. That was the note Genma’d made on Ryouma after the Trials, and those words, or similar, had appeared in every one of Team Six’s mission reports, and in his first formal evaluation of Ryouma’s performance. Part of Genma wanted to shake Ryouma’s shoulders, point at Kimiko, and tell him to focus on the mission. But part of him wanted to reach over and ruffle his hair or pat his shoulder. Raidou might have. Katsuko, if she were still with the team, would have found a way to distract him out of his spiral of shame, possibly by tackling him and wrestling him into a better mood. And Kakashi would—

A tossed seashell smacked Ryouma neatly between the eyes. “You’d have dodged that if you weren’t staring at your feet,” Kakashi drawled.

Kakashi would mock Ryouma and goad him into an argument to break his mood. Well done, Hatake.

Genma gave Ryouma’s elbow a squeeze for good measure. “Eat something. Everything will feel better once you have some food in your system.”

Ryouma broke his outraged glare at Kakashi to look at the rat bar Genma’d given him. His brows knit as he concentrated on the blocky print on the foil. “Peanut butter,” he said slowly, sounding out the katakana syllables. He looked up at Genma and said, “You remembered.” And after a moment’s hesitation. “Thanks.”

Kakashi looked like he was considering lobbing another shell.

“You’re welcome,” Genma said. “Eat it before you fight with Hound, alright?” He didn’t wait for an answer. Dropping onto the sand next to Raidou, he pinched the bridge of his nose for a moment, checked to be sure Kimiko was still occupied with Sango, and then carefully peeled his own meal bar.

He was just raising it to his mouth when Raidou’s hand dropped onto his shoulder. It rested there, reassuringly firm. Genma leaned against Raidou and let his eyes close. But only for a moment. Then he took a deep breath, cracked his neck, and polished off his bar in five quick bites.