ANBU Legacy - Soldiers Take Flight [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
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Soldiers Take Flight [Jan. 15th, 2017|03:56 pm]
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[User Picture]From: [info]tousaki_ryouma
2017-01-15 07:26 pm (UTC)


By the time he finished, and taped the last of Genma's flesh-toned patching over a bandage, Genma was stirring again. He rubbed a hand over his temples, wincing as if they hurt, and then jerked his chin northeast. "There are several strong signature at the edge of my range. I don't have Hound, but he's probably masking."

Kimiko looked up at last, her eyes swollen red, her face blotched and wet. She took a deep, shaking breath, and eased her sister's head back down. Then she stood, hands fisted at her sides. "I'm ready. One of you needs to cremate her before we go. We can't leave her like this."

Ryouma said quietly, "I'll do it." He closed the medkit and pushed it back to Genma. "I'll catch up."

Raidou nodded. "Be quick." He shoved up, and begun to hunt back through the churned mud and corpses for the harness he must have shed when the Kiri nin cornered them.

Genma took the medkit, but didn't tuck it away. "I need to boost my chakra. You both should too, if you haven't taken more than two soldier pills in the last 24 hours."

"Just the one." Ryouma accepted the little brown pill and crunched it down. Salt and bitter coated his tongue briefly before he swallowed. Chemical chakra hit his coils, quickening his pulse. Caffeine and calories would follow more slowly, absorbing into his bloodstream. How long had it been since he'd slept?

It didn't matter. Clean up corpses. Find Kakashi. Kill anyone tracking him. And get the hell back to the ship, and out of this country.

Genma gave Kimiko a rat bar, with the last soldier pill reserved for Raidou. The woman's eyes followed the pills with a sort of deadened curiosity, but she said nothing. She ate the rat bar mechanically, in short, forced bites. She was still chewing as Genma helped her into the harness.

They said nothing more. Genma touched Ryouma's shoulder, just one brief squeeze before his hand fell away. Ryouma crouched by Fukuda's corpse and watched as Raidou bolted into the returning mist, Kimiko huddled on his back, Genma lean and fleet at his side.

He waited until the mist had almost swallowed them, until Kimiko would see nothing even if she looked back. Then he shaped the seals for the Nikutai Hakai, the Human Body Destruction Technique. False chakra surged through his hands, coalescing into a sickly reddish-black glow. He placed one hand at Fukuda's shoulder and the other at her hip, and he forced himself to watch until she was gone.

Four bodies left. Five minutes.

He did it in three, and then he ran.