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[Jan. 15th, 2017|07:13 pm]

“Tousaki, we need to end this,” Genma shouted. He blocked a kick and drove his elbow into Rikyu’s side. Rikyu twisted away, jerking his knife free. The blade arced over Genma’s head, and Genma lunged forward, aiming for Rikyu’s belly. Rikyu’s knee came up to block, and his foot, dripping with sludge, slammed into Genma’s wrist. Genma’s knife fell from numb fingers, splashing into the pool of sewage. His footing slipped in the slime, and he nearly went down before he could anchor himself with a burst of chakra.

Behind him, the sounds of Ryouma’s combat echoed off the stone.

Rikyu swung his knife at Genma’s chest, but Genma was faster. His elbow caught Rikyu in the face, bashing him against the wall with no room to maneuver. He was close enough to jerk a kunai free from the holster on Rikyu’s thigh. The blade was a good one; he barely felt the drag as it severed the cartilage and vessels in Rikyu’s throat.

Ryouma’s chakra flared behind him, sickly strong, and the last standing Kiri ninja gasped, then fell with a heavy splash.

Genma reached for his own chakra, scraping at strained reserves for enough to power an earth jutsu. “Get to Fukuda. I’ll try to bring the tunnel down behind us.”

“You okay?” Ryouma asked. His panting breaths echoed over the splashes of his feet as he followed Genma’s order.

“I’m good. You?” One of the Kiri lanterns was smashed beyond repair, but the other still shone, illuminating the carnage. Six Kiri ninja lay dead, four already rotting as if they’d been dead for days. In the dim light, Genma searched the bodies, taking useable weapons and scrolls.

“Just a couple scratches,” Ryouma said. “Fukuda kept them off me.” He was still breathing hard as he sloshed towards her in the gloom beyond the circle of red light. The unearthly glow of his jutsu died. “Hey, you hit your head?” he asked her.

Genma picked up the lantern and headed towards them.

“I can give you a hand up, but you probably won’t want it…” Ryouma said.

Fukuda grunted a denial and reached for Ryouma’s arm, grabbing at his elbow. Ryouma hauled her to her feet, where she stood, still holding on to him, swaying unsteadily.

It had been a hard hit, she was probably concussed. “Get moving. Get her out of here,” Genma said. “Taichou has the grate down.” He snapped open a glowstick and handed the lantern to Ryouma. “I’m right behind you.”
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