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Soldiers Take Warning [Nov. 29th, 2016|06:05 pm]
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[User Picture]From: [info]namiashi_raidou
2016-11-29 10:17 pm (UTC)


Kuroda didn’t even look at Genma. “Do you require a medic, Sakamoto?”

Ginta glanced between Kuroda and Genma with his one good eye. “I will soon, but not immediately, if you need me here.”

Whatever knock he’d taken to the head clearly hadn’t damaged the contents.

Kuroda grunted and switched topics. “Tell us about the traps you encountered.”

While Ginta launched into a rapid recount of poisoned senbon, melting floors, and broken-legged clones, Raidou spared a piece of attention for his own team. True to form, Kakashi had caused a minor disaster and caught Ryouma in the crossfire, but the end result was two disabled traps and no one dead, so Raidou still counted it as a win.

“Very well,” Kuroda said, when Ginta finished. “We’ll keep the original plan. Rest here for a few hours, reach the surface by midday, cross Sagami-wan Strait at nightfall. That should put us in position to reach Kirigakure just after midnight.”

Fukuda’s head came up. “You’re waiting?”

“Yes,” Kuroda said, without a flicker of emotion. “If your sister is killed in the next eighteen hours, take it up with the gods. I’m not risking a daylight attack.”

Fukuda’s lips parted on a slow, deadly breath. The points of her teeth glimmered in phosphorescent light. She gave Kuroda a fixed look that slid from his eyes to his throat, then swept her gaze over the collected ninja, landing on Raidou last. He met her eyes steadily.

“If she dies,” Fukuda said at last, “I won’t be the only one arguing with the gods.”

She slid to her feet and went to join Kakashi and Ryouma. They stared as she crouched over the same young woman’s body, carefully freed the baby from its lifeless grasp, and gathered the tiny body against her chest. Holding it one-handed, she walked out to the disposal tunnel. Behind her, Ryouma’s hands clenched and relaxed. Then he bent, picked up the young woman’s body, and followed.

Kakashi glanced blankly at Genma and Raidou, then hauled the ragged corpse of an older man over his shoulder, and traipsed after Ryouma.

“Usagi, have your team assist with body disposal,” Kuroda said. With that, he stalked over to the driest and least bloody portion of the cave, and settled down to study the maps yet again.

Usagi twitched, caught herself, and signalled her rookies. Abe and Kasumi waded in with varying levels of reluctance.

“We’ll organize food,” Kurenai said, tilting her head at Satomi, who shrugged reluctantly.

Raidou nodded. “Usagi, if you take first watch, I’ll sub in for Abe — he and Shiranui should get more rest.”

“After I see to Ginta’s face,” Genma said, but there was a hint of relief in the tired set of his shoulders.

“Deal,” Usagi said. She clapped Ginta once on the shoulder, making him wince, and strode off to find a perch away from Kuroda.

Ginta spread his hands in willing surrender, and told Genma, “I’m all yours, sensei.”

Genma’s mouth twitched, ever so slightly.

“Don’t overdo it,” Raidou said, and left them to rescue Abe.