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Soldiers Take Warning [Nov. 29th, 2016|06:05 pm]
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[User Picture]From: [info]hatake_kakashi
2016-11-29 10:02 pm (UTC)


Kakashi leapt back, snapping his chakra back under his skin. The tendrils rippled along the edge, like a predator denied its catch, before slinking back into the floor.

“It’s chakra-sensing,” Kakashi said.

“It’s fucking creepy,” Ryouma said.

Satomi hissed between her teeth and resumed prowling. “The seal’s embedded in the rock. I saw it flare, this time.”

Ginta’s eyebrows creased thoughtfully. “I’m not sure we can burn it out like we did with the last one. There was an exhaustible supply of senbon, but a cave floor will be hard to deplete of resources.”

“Where exactly did you see the seal?” Kakashi asked Satomi.

Satomi turned, found a pebble, and flicked it at the surface of the floor, about two meters from the edge of the sentient zone. “Half a meter down from there.”

A quick burst of chakra announced the appearance of Ginta’s clone. It leapt lightly up the wall and strolled across the ceiling, blond hair hanging down. It made it only a few paces before a stalactite speared out of the ceiling and nailed it to the ground. Stone tendrils embraced it almost kindly, before snapping all four limbs with brutal accuracy.

The clone shivered once and vanished.

“Nope,” Ginta said.

“Earth jutsu, maybe?” Ryouma suggested, only a little wide-eyed. “If you could disrupt the seal…”

Which begged the question of affinity. “Who’s earth nature?” Kakashi asked.

He already knew Ryouma was water and fire. Satomi, if she was anything like the rest of her kin, was fire and air. She shook her head with a quick jerk. Ginta shrugged; his chakra had a quicksilver quality, more like water than earth, but Kakashi had seen him play with sparks on the ship, crackling them along metal sail fastenings. Another one of Konoha’s rare lightning users, but no help here.

Ginta eyed Kakashi. “If you’re not, Kuroda made a mistake putting this party together.”

Kakashi crouched at the edge again, flicked his eye patch up, and summoned a clone. The construct backed up a few steps, then took a running start and flung itself over the trap. Stone lashed up and grabbed it by the ankle.

The bone snap and dying chakra backlash took a fraction of Kakashi’s attention. The rest centered on his Sharingan-view of a brief, bright seal flaring exactly where Satomi had indicated. He cast seals, pulled on the stonier elements of his chakra, and spun a jutsu that sunk into the ground and smashed the trap seal.

At least, that was the intention.

The seal twisted like metal under stress, and instead of compacting neatly, exploded. Razor shards of volcanic stone sprayed. A chunk of the ceiling came down, nearly crushing Ginta. Satomi yanked him out of the way, but the lieutenant still caught a nasty hit in the temple. They both fell, buried under a curtain of stones, and Kakashi jerked back in horror. Lines of fate criss-crossed through the Sharingan: falling rock, falling people, but his vision blurred with hot salt and he couldn’t see

A stinging line scored over Kakashi’s cheek. Ryouma grabbed him by the collar and hauled him back.

They hit the ground. Ryouma yelped, and blood filled the air with a copper burn. Kakashi fought to sit up and Ryouma shoved him back down, curling over him. Stone showered down around them, to the distant tune of Ginta swearing. Kakashi covered his head and reflected on how much he really hated rockslides until the world stopped imploding.

When it ended, Kakashi pushed himself shakily up and turned to make sure Ryouma’s head was still attached. Dust and stone shards covered them both. A deep, straight cut angled down from Ryouma’s hairline and bisected his right eyebrow, stopping just short of his eye. It bled messily. Kakashi slapped a dusty hand over it and craned to see Ginta and Satomi.

The lieutenant was on one knee, holding his head, but didn’t seem to be bleeding dangerously. Satomi was crouched back against the wall, covered in scratches and blinking hard. The look she gave Kakashi was dust-covered and deeply unimpressed.

Since that qualified for alive on both counts, Kakashi turned back to Ryouma and worked on making the bleeding stop.