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[Nov. 29th, 2016|10:10 pm]

Genma woke to a warm hand on his shoulder and icy, wet feet.

“Up and at ‘em, lieutenant, before you drown,” Raidou said lightly, in a tone that didn’t quite match the tension written on his face.

Salt water lapped at Genma’s calves. He jerked his feet back, alarmed to see how high the water had risen. All of the shinobi had moved to the remaining dry edges of the cavern. The shallow tide pool where they’d bathed had become one with the water rising from the sea entrance.

“Tide came in fast,” Genma said, scrambling away from the water line. “Did we miscalculate the time?”

“Scouting took longer than expected.” Raidou gave him a hand up. “Satomi just got back. They found a couple traps, and a lot of bodies. We need to move out.”

That shook the remaining drowsiness right out of Genma. “Just bodies? Are we going into a fight?”

Satomi appeared at Raidou’s elbow, grim faced. Her hair and skin were dusted with grime; dozens of crusted-over cuts and scratches littered her exposed skin. “They're days old,” she said. “Someone brought a whole clan down here and slaughtered them. Sakamoto and your rookies are cleaning up.”

Genma tugged his shirt straight and remade his ponytail with the elastic he’d borrowed from Kurenai. “How did you get hurt?” he asked, scrutinizing Satomi for hidden injuries.

Satomi's mouth twisted in disdain. “Hatake disarmed a trap. Badly. Sakamoto got clipped on the head by a falling rock, and Tousaki took a bad cut over one eye, but they're both fine.”

“And you?”

“Scratches,” she said impatiently. “Tousaki's fretting about his face scarring, though, so if you're ready to move…”

Genma did a quick tally of the people in the cave. Usagi looked ready to depart. Kasumi was tugging straps tight on a traveling pack. Kurenai, as plainly dressed as the rest of them but somehow more elegant despite it, seemed to be in conference with Kuroda. He was still paler than usual, but he didn’t look as shocky as he had before. Abe crouched beside with his med-kit open.

That left only Genma and Raidou.

And their prisoner. Fukuda sat on a stony ledge, staring down at a set of dogtags on a broken chain in her hand. They had to have come from one of the the corpses.

“She knew them?”

“Seems like,” Raidou said. He went to get her on her feet; there was no time for sympathy, especially for an enemy, when the tide was inching higher with every passing second.

It looked like Genma’s own belongings had already been stowed. He tugged his satchel on, tightened the straps of his sandals, and went to confer with Abe and Kuroda. After the briefest of salutes for Kuroda, he asked Abe, “How’re his vitals?”

“Stable. There’s no further bleeding.”

Genma turned back to the vice-commander. “Can you—”

“I’m fine, lieutenant,” Kuroda snapped. “Let’s proceed.”

Genma exchanged a look with Abe and backed out of Kuroda’s way. They waited for the vice-commander to move a few paces away before Abe said quietly, “I gave him an additional blood pill about ten minutes ago, and tried to get him to drink more to build his volume back up.”

“Keep an eye on him,” Genma said. Abe nodded, and fell in with the rest of his teammates.

Usagi’s team took point, with Satomi. What was left of Team Six — Genma and Raidou — had rear guard. They moved fast, until they came to the jumbled rock where Kakashi had somehow set off a minor cave in.

“Damn,” Genma said. “Look at the size of that block. I’m surprised they weren’t killed.”

“The day is still young,” Raidou said grimly.

Genma made a warding gesture. “Let’s hope it ages gracefully and dies in peace. It’s already taken more than enough.”
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