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[Nov. 16th, 2016|09:23 pm]

Ryouma broke his chopsticks. "The fuck she did."

Kakashi choked on something suspiciously like a laugh, or possibly bok choy. Genma glared them both down, then lifted his brows at Raidou.

"We're the team that took down her unkillable teammate," Raidou explained. "I gather it left an impression."

"Exactly," Ryouma hissed, setting lunch and shattered chopsticks down on the desk. "The kind of impression where she'd jump at the chance to lead us into an ambush—"

"With what resources?" Raidou pointed out. He leaned hipshot against the desk, arms folded across his armored chest. "I trust Shibata-san and Hokage-sama. If they suspect a trap, the reward still outweighs the risk." His dark eyes rested thoughtfully on Ryouma. "And if she does betray us, you'll get first shot at taking her head off."

Ryouma's clenched fist tightened, then flexed. Chakra hummed against his bones. He said reluctantly, "I can live with that."

Genma eyed him with open skepticism. Ryouma lifted his chin. "Multi-tasking, lieutenant. I can get stuck on a grudge over a useless, crippled ninja and look for the next Kiri-nin who’ll try and kill us."

"Good," Genma said. "Then you can multi-task digging latrines for the entire expedition at every campsite, and take second watch every night."

Ryouma gritted his teeth and picked up his bento again, avoiding Kakashi's smug eye. Maybe he could eat with his fingers. "Understood, lieutenant."

Genma nodded briskly, and passed Ryouma his unopened chopsticks. He plucked the senbon out of his hair, tumbling damp waves to his shoulders again, and speared a bite of his own lunch with the sharpened steel tip. "Do we have defined roles already? We're pairing with Thirteen... I'd probably set it up with us on target extraction and Usagi for running interference and distraction."

Blue-haired Abe Shintaro and cranky Yamada Kasumi had been assigned together to Team Thirteen, the only other team with two rookies from the most recent Trials. Ryouma'd only run into them a few times in the cafeteria or laundry, but from the few hints Abe had dropped about their captain and lieutenant, he could guess why Genma had slated Team Thirteen for distractions.

Rolling explosions and area-affect genjutsu tended to do that.

Raidou nodded. "Kuroda will go into greater detail on the ship, but that'll be the likely breakdown. For our part, the sister is barely genin-level, if that, and the kid is less than a year old. Our biggest problem is going to be a fast, quiet extraction."
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