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Laws of Gravity [Aug. 1st, 2016|06:48 pm]
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[User Picture]From: [info]hatake_kakashi
2016-08-01 10:16 pm (UTC)


“Even though you’re a bad influence?” Kakashi said, since no one else was asking.

Maybe a bad influence,” Raidou said. “And I’m not sure it matters anymore. They’ll assign me back or they won’t, and I don’t want to miss any more.”

Like he’d missed Katsuko.

“Well, if any of us snaps and stabs Kuroda, we’ll let you know,” Ryouma said.

Kakashi stilled, waiting to see which way the mood tipped. Genma and Raidou were both still prickly, ready to hammer stability out of any flippant moment, and neither Kakashi or Ryouma had Katsuko's talent at defusing via the absurd.

But Genma’s senbon shivered with suppressed laughter. “Or we could just concentrate on our filing and flashcards, Tousaki, and forgo any treasonous offenses. No matter how tempting they might be.”

“You already told us to make sure suspicion doesn’t fall on us when the Vice-Commander turns up murdered.” Ryouma considered. “Or something like that.”

“And on that note,” Raidou said, dropping a hand back onto Genma’s shoulder, “Hatake, you watch out for that treasonous half. I’ll escort this one.”

Kakashi saluted. “Yes, sir.”

Genma allowed Raidou to haul him back to his feet. He still moved stiffly, but his bad leg was weight-bearing. “Tousaki, take the morning off tomorrow. I’ll come find you after lunch. If you’re bored tonight, have Hatake run you through your notes on the circulatory system.”

Ryouma slid a thoughtful look Kakashi’s way. “I’ve only got seven more flashcards to go.”

Since Genma seemed pleased by this studious verve, Kakashi neglected to inform him that Ryouma was earning one dirty word for every ten standard characters, and they were currently on number thirty-three.

In another month, Kakashi suspected he’d need to buy a thesaurus.

Genma limped out with Raidou at his elbow, not quite hovering but close enough to offer easy assistance. The curtain fell closed behind them, and Kakashi silently counted the five seconds it took Genma to find a nurse he could politely interrogate about Ryouma’s knee surgery.

Ryouma rolled his eyes, but there was something a little pleased about it. That glimmer of warmth remained when Kakashi bullied him to his feet, critiqued his crutch-handling technique (mostly on principle), and escorted him to a different nurse for the promised painkillers and appointment-making.

Genma and Raidou were gone by the time Kakashi finished the last of Ryouma’s paperwork. Ryouma pocketed his new bottle of pills, and Kakashi shouldered the door open, holding it for him.

“C’mon,” Kakashi said. “You need to eat something.”