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[Aug. 1st, 2016|10:11 pm]

Raidou's hand dropped heavily on Genma's shoulder, forestalling anything Genma might have wanted to throw back. To the rookies, with a voice like steel cleaving stone, he barked, "Enough.”

Both rookies flinched to attention, spines snapping straight. The sudden movement made Ryouma wince in pain, but he didn’t make a sound. As the initial shock of command wore off, Kakashi started to rise, scowling like he wanted to respond. Raidou pointed at him, “No. You're done. Sit down and shut up.” If there’d been cold steel in Raidou’s tone before, there was hot forged iron now; Kakashi obeyed with rewarding speed.

“Both of you are acting like this is genin playtime,” Raidou growled. “You're ANBU. Nothing is goddamn fair. Command made their choice, Katsuko agreed to it, and we're supporting her. That's it. I don't care if you don't like it.” I don’t like it either, but if I have to accept it, so do you. “Hatake, I especially don't care if you have more opinions; keep them to yourself.”

Kakashi’s visible eye was wide, but he didn’t move a muscle. Ryouma, too, was sitting stock still, with the same expressionless face he’d presented when Kuroda had berated him. He was actually less readable than Kakashi for once.

Raidou fixed both rookies with a forbidding look. “We have a job to do. Focus on that. And remember the lieutenant is your goddamn commanding officer, so you'll respect him or I'll bust you both down to the worst jobs I can think of until you're back on active duty.”

The rookies looked like they were free falling, but Genma felt, for the first time since they’d gotten home from the mission, like he had solid ground under his feet. He leaned briefly back against Raidou’s hand by way of thanks.

“Yessir,” Ryouma said hoarsely. He still looked blank, but it seemed more like contrition than seething resentment.

When Kakashi said, “Yes, Captain,” there was not even a whiff of sarcasm.
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