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[Jul. 12th, 2016|10:16 pm]

“It’s my job, Taichou,” he said. “I just hope I don’t have to do that part of it too often. Without Ueno’s clones I’ll be at a disadvantage. Even if I don’t have to keep setting her collarbones.”

Raidou made a sound of regretful agreement. “We’ll have to go back to regular watches on missions, and have someone else handle explosive supplies.”

Genma nodded. “I can do that.”

A darker look crossed Raidou’s face. “And buffer the rookies,” he continued as if Genma hadn’t interrupted. “They’re going to take this hard.”

Genma considered that. “Not necessarily. It’s a blow and they’re going to be upset, but how much really depends on how we frame it for them. They’re rookies with barely six weeks of experience in ANBU under their belts, and we’ve told them before that teams can get broken up and people can get moved based on need. Asuma left before his rookie year was out when he got a similar assignment — I could tell them about that. And it is a good move for Ueno. We just have to make sure they see that way.”

Raidou looked at him thoughtfully, then the corners of his mouth tipped up, lopsided in a way Genma had come to associate with genuine good humor on Raidou’s face. “They are adults, theoretically.”

“Even ‘Sharingan Crankypants Kakashi’.” Genma chuckled. “Although in his case there’s still a fair amount of teenager. But not about military protocol. I expect he’ll take it reasonably well, actually. Tousaki’s the one who will take some work.”

“You're probably right. I'd say have him run his issues off, but knee surgery.” Raidou glanced at the two unopened envelopes addressed to the rookies. “Maybe Katsuko's note will have some don't-be-stupid advice for him.” He looked up, tracking the sun through the dark leaves and clumps of unripe fruit on the plum tree. “What time is his surgery done?”

“Surgery was scheduled for 1400. Assuming they started on time—” No guarantee, both of them knew. — “I’d expect the procedure itself to take 45 to 60 minutes, and then another couple of hours in recovery. So maybe 1800 or a little before? I’d prefer if you came with me to break the news.”

Genma doubted wild horses could have kept Raidou away, but since Genma’d asked for Raidou’s help, if Kuroda or anyone else up the chain had a problem with it, they could pin the blame on Genma. He’d take a formal reprimand, or another sixty hours of scut work, or whatever petty punishment the Vice meted out over the infraction, for the sake of the team.

“Of course,” Raidou said instantly. “Gives us about ninety minutes to kill, then. You want a drink?”

“I can probably count on one hand the number of times I’ve wanted a drink more than I do right now,” Genma said. “Thanks.” He waved his fingers over the kitten, who batted at them with evident delight. Out of the corner of his eye, he caught a big orange tomcat stalking him from under the broad leaves of a staked bean plant. He pretended to ignore it as it crept closer. “If I’d been planning ahead, I’d have just brought a bottle of sake with me.”
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