ANBU Legacy - January 2nd, 2017 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
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January 2nd, 2017

Dyed in the Wool [Jan. 2nd, 2017|04:30 pm]


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[A small outtake that takes place June 10, between Red Sky at Morning and Soldiers Take Warning. For the anon who wanted to see the hair dyeing scene.]

The bottle said: Excellence Creme: Nourishing Color. The woman on the label had smooth, shining brown hair and a lot of very white teeth. At the bottom, a little banner promised the contents would banish unsightly greys with just one application.

Kakashi squinted at his hair in the mirror. “What’s wrong with grey?”

“It makes you look like an elderly paintbrush,.” Pakkun, always helpful, sat comfortably on Kakashi’s right foot to pass judgement. “A really surprised elderly paintbrush.”

“Okay, but unsightly?” Kakashi rumpled his hair, trying to affect the tousled bedhead look that was somehow more desirable than actual bedhead. It made no perceivable difference, except to add more static lift.

“Take it up with the fashion industry, kid,” Pakkun said. “Except maybe change your shirt first.”

Punting one of your summons into the toilet probably broke several key contract points, but Kakashi was still tempted. He distracted himself by reading the instruction booklet. It came with a tiny brush and plastic gloves, and several warnings about putting vaseline on his forehead to avoid permanent skin staining.

People did this for fun? )
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