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Devil in the Details [Dec. 6th, 2015|07:29 pm]
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[User Picture]From: [info]shiranui_genma
2015-12-07 02:17 am (UTC)


Fortunately the coffee shop was reasonably close to the hospital. Even with their considerate pace, Genma’s shoulders and arms were sore by the time they got there. Crutches were a surprisingly good triceps workout.

Ryouma got the door this time, beating Kakashi to it by a few precious seconds. Kakashi gave Ryouma a cold side-eye, and Genma had to stifle a laugh. The rivalry between Team Six’s rookies extended even to courtesy. In Kakashi, at least, competing to show consideration for an injured comrade was probably a sign of genuine personal development. Ryouma smiled smugly and held the door even wider, with a little sweep of his free hand to usher Kakashi through.

Katsuko sauntered through the held door with her head high as if it were entirely her due. Which, as Ryouma’s senpai, it was, of course. Kakashi was close on her heels, doing his best to project an aura of supreme unconcern.

Genma nodded his head at Ryouma as he crutched through after his team, still buttoning his lips around a smile. “Thank you.”

“Always a pleasure,” Ryouma replied, with another little hand flourish.

“It’s like you’re practicing for an undercover mission as a house servant for nobility,” Genma said. “I hate to disappoint, but that kind of mission isn’t something we’re likely to get assigned.”

“I’m holding out hope for an undercovers mission,” Ryouma said, totally straight faced.

Kakashi groaned. Katsuko rolled her eyes. Genma just sighed.

“We’ve avoided kidnapping and demons so far, thanks to your excellent bodyguarding,” he told Katsuko and Kakashi, letting Ryouma’s terrible pun die the ignoble death it deserved. “Orthopedics is upstairs. That’s where my appointment is, and where Tousaki can get his knee assessed.”

On the ride up, Ryouma slouched against the elevator wall, deliberately casual in a way that suggested he wasn’t feeling casual at all.

“Ready for this?” Genma asked him.

Ryouma shrugged. Probably not, then, but since it was a direct order that he get the knee taken care of, he didn’t have a choice.

Genma was torn between sympathy and duty. “The ortho docs are all pretty nice,” he said, groping for something reassuring that wasn’t patronizing. “If we tell them you’re about to take the intro field-medic course, they’ll probably adopt you on the spot. We can ask if you could come observe my treatment session as soon as they’re done with you.”

Ryouma’s smile looked as if it cost him some effort. “Like I needed another reason to hope it's over quickly.” He shoved off the wall as the elevator doors opened on their floor. “Thanks, lieutenant. You don't need to worry about me.”

“I’m not worried,” Genma said. He smiled back to show he meant it, and led the way towards the orthopedics department.