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Devil in the Details [Dec. 6th, 2015|07:29 pm]
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[User Picture]From: [info]ueno_katsuko
2015-12-07 02:04 am (UTC)


Katsuko blinked and looked at Ryouma, then back at their booth, where the lieutenant was waiting patiently for his—

“Large coffee with soy, right,” she remembered guiltily. “I was supposed to order more than one thing. Sorry, Emi-san.”

The coffee shop girl, Emi, dimpled at her, and Katsuko almost immediately forgot what she was going to say next. Ryouma just looked extremely entertained and offered no assistance whatsoever.

“Take your time, Katsuko-san,” Emi said. “Your friend mentioned discounts. I think I could wrangle one up for you, if you tell me whether you're free later tonight.”

Katsuko grinned and leaned in. “Well, actually…”

Ryouma stage-whispered, "Green tea. Salted yolk steamed buns. Large coffee with caramel and cream. You're free tonight. Stay safe."

“Ah,” Katsuko said. Ryouma dropped money on the counter and made his escape while Emi continued to dimple at her. “Yeah. What he said.”

Several minutes later, Katsuko had won a twenty percent discount, a laugh from Emi, and a promise to go dancing later that night that was accompanied by a roguish wink that did things to her toes. She sauntered back to Team Six’s booth laden with food and a general feeling of self-satisfaction.

Kakashi looked up, still resting his chin on his hands, and informed her, "We starved to death while you seduced the locals. What happened to team solidarity?"

“There, there,” Katsuko said, and comfortingly placed a wrapped bun on his folded elbow as a form of apology. “Here you go. I hope you feel better.”

Kakashi considered the bun. Genma, looking amused, offered his own elbow for bun placement. Katsuko obliged him and then turned to bestow the biggest bun upon Ryouma.

“You,” she declared. “Are the best wingman.”

Ryouma gravely accepted the bun with both hands like a samurai receiving a katana from his liege lord. "We can do lessons on conversational skills for next time."

Katsuko very briefly considered taking the bun back, but conceded that her flirting this time had perhaps not been up to her usual standards. It was pure luck that Emi had found it charming instead of off-putting. “As long as you don't grade me.”

"He'd have to register as an instructor with the Continuing Ed office if he wanted to grade you,” Genma said. “Probably not worth the hassle." He put his bun down and reached for his coffee, swirling the cup a few times. "Besides, our new 'captain' would probably interfere if you did."

Ryouma looked a little dreamy. "Yeah, but imagine getting continuing ed credits for a class on flirting. It might be worth it."

Katsuko contemplated being graded on some of the truly horrible lines she’d used to pick up her last few one-night stands and took a huge gulp from the coffee cup in her hand to hide her shudder. “No, thanks. My natural charisma doesn't sound as good on a report card as it does in real life.”

"As fascinating as this is, can we return to Planet Sanity?" Kakashi drawled. His egg bun was still resting on his elbow. Katsuko kept an opportunistic eye on it in case he forgot it was there.

"I was unaware we were ever on that planet to begin with," Genma said.

Ryouma started peeling the rice paper wrapper off the bottom off his egg bun. "It's been that kinda morning. Maybe we'll all wake up and it'll be one of the lieutenant's nightmares." He downed half the bun in one bite and added indistinctly, "Pretty sure Kakashi's nightmares'd have more naked people throwing themselves at him."

Genma sputtered his coffee. Katsuko silently handed him a napkin from the dispenser on the table.

"True," Kakashi said without even trying to sound offended. He slid the bun off his elbow and started to peel it, not bothering to lift his head.

"And Katsuko's nightmares'd be... a day-long meeting with no snacks and no napping." Ryouma considered her. "So the first part of the morning could've been your nightmare after all."

“What's yours, Tousaki? A dystopian future with no coffee and no hair products?” Genma asked.

Ryouma tousled his admittedly attractive hair and looked gravely off into the distance. “And no reflective surfaces.”