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Devil in the Details [Dec. 6th, 2015|07:29 pm]
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[User Picture]From: [info]tousaki_ryouma
2015-12-07 02:02 am (UTC)


"I bought you dinner last night," Ryouma pointed out. "Both of you."

He owed Genma too, though. The tally kept getting longer.

"I'll buy if we go somewhere with good coffee," he said. "We should probably get changed, though." Except he was pretty sure he hadn't replaced the clean tee-shirt and jeans he'd pulled out of his locker yesterday, when he'd gotten dressed up in uniform for no good reason at all.

He eyed Kakashi, who was nondescript in blacks but probably only kept a second set of uniforms in his locker, and Genma, who would almost certainly want any clean civvies for himself. "Do either of you have a spare shirt?"

"I have the shirt you're currently wearing, two sizes smaller," Kakashi offered. "Is this going to be a topless breakfast?"

Genma gazed levelly at them both. "We're at HQ. The dorms are five minutes away. Or are you out of laundry?"

Ryouma had spent a good chunk of the last three days in laundry hell, but that was mostly team uniforms. He pushed out of his chair reluctantly. The knee didn't buckle, barely ached, but that was normal. Not even worth noticing, except he did keep noticing it now.

Unnecessary pain, Katsuko said. Was it?

"I can meet you in the lobby," he said. "Or in the village. Maybe Higher Grounds. You know it?"

"Yeah, that place's coffee is strong enough to make my teeth vibrate." Katsuko sounded immensely cheered by the prospect. "Can you start a tab at a coffee shop? Because I'm going to start a tab for you while we wait."

"I'll hurry." Ryouma sketched the vaguest of salutes and let himself out of the office.