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[Dec. 7th, 2015|02:00 am]

Kakashi made a soft sound of interest. “Do you know if he caught the jutsu?”

Genma gave him a surprised look. “There were no Uchiha with them, if that’s what you mean. I don’t think they took any prisoners, either.”

Which made this conversation fascinating, but ultimately useless in terms of fixing Team Six’s immediate problems. Dead would stay dead. Hajime wasn’t their captain. Neither addressed Ryouma’s knee, Katsuko’s faintly murderous aura, the challenge to Genma’s teaching credentials, or the three weeks of solid boredom Kakashi had to look forward to.

He said, “So are we going to the hospital?”

Genma’s surprise morphed to confusion. “You want to visit Hajime?”

“What?” Kakashi said. “No, Tousaki needs to get his knee unbroken.”

Katsuko put a hand over her face.

Ryouma said indignantly, “It’s not actually broken!”

Genma was still confused. “You want to go with us while Tousaki has his knee examined and I have my appointment for my leg?”

“If the choice is between going home to stare at my ceiling, and watching Tousaki yelp at medics?” Kakashi said. “Besides, you said you needed a note-taker for your medical thing.”

“But your handwriting looks like someone gave a drunk ferret a pen,” Katsuko said blankly.

Kakashi ignored that. “If you don’t want us to come, I guess Ueno and I can go off alone. Unsupervised. To find whatever diversions appeal.”

Katsuko caught on. “Dangerous diversions,” she supplied gleefully. “Deadly diversions. Pointy diversions.”

Ryouma sighed loudly. “Yeah, you’re giving him personal sword training, you don’t have to rub it in.”

Genma stared at Katsuko. “You’re giving Hatake sword lessons?” Then at Kakashi. “You’re accepting sword lessons?” Before either one of them could answer, his composure snapped back together and became smooth lieutenant judgement. “And it didn’t occur to either of you to run this plan by taichou or me?”

As someone who’d been in primary control of his interests for most of his life, Kakashi blinked once. “No?”

“Not really,” Katsuko said, equally puzzled but more worried about it.

Genma’s expression softened a little. “There’s no problem with you two training together, but in light of—” he made a small hand gesture that was half a warding sign, “—developments, I think it would be best to avoid surprises. I’d like to be able to at least pretend like I’m aware of what’s going on in the team if Kuroda-san— Kuroda-taichou asks.”

When he put it like that, Kakashi could see the logic.

Katsuko shrugged her good shoulder. “Sorry, lieutenant,” she said. “There wasn’t really a good time to bring it up, between all the hospitalizations and stuff.”

Genma nodded, but didn’t let them slip the hook that easily. “I’m not entirely sure you never had a chance — we’ve had a couple of status meetings — but I can accept it slipped your mind with everything else going on. Since this ties into both of your performance plans, if you want, we could look at making it creditable coursework.”
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