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[Dec. 7th, 2015|01:48 am]

Genma opened his mouth to offer some kind of encouragement to Katsuko, but Ryouma spoke first.

“If we mess up, will he take it out on Namiashi-taichou? Or just out of our hides?”

That was a smart question. Too bad Kuroda wasn’t there to see he’d underestimated Ryouma’s intelligence. Although thank all the gods he wasn’t there, because the insubordinate attitude in the room — Genma’s included — was probably enough to get them all up on charges.

“Both, probably,” Genma said. “It depends on how badly we mess up. And I don’t think we’re going to. He’ll probably bust our balls—” He glanced at Katsuko and amended, “Our gonads as hard as he can. We can’t be perfect. We just have to make sure we don’t screw up in any significant ways.”

Katsuko nodded, still too horrified by visions of herself as Kuroda's secretary to engage further.

“I trust us,” Genma said. He even believed it, mostly.

After a moment, she visibly shook off her fugue and looked around the room. "Yes, lieutenant. How are all of you holding up?” Her eyes lingered just a little longer on Ryouma, who was still standing, half-turned towards the door.

Ryouma scrubbed his hands through his hair and finally dropped into one of the office chairs. He swiveled back and forth a couple of times, then settled with one leg stretched out in front of the other in an artful imitation of casual. “He's not the first commanding officer to think I'm stupid,” he said. “Or even the first one to think I can't read 'cause I don't try. At least I got practice biting my tongue.”

Kakashi shrugged. “He's underestimating an ANBU agent chosen by Konoha's top shinobi. Either he's an idiot, or he's trying to get a rise out of you, which makes him an asshole.” He plucked a pencil from his desk and bounced it accurately off Ryouma's forehead, making Ryouma twitch.

“Ueno and I have much better insults for you in any case,” Kakashi continued. “You should listen to us instead.”

“I only insult you, you lopsided dust bunny,” Katsuko said mildly.

“Can't I have compliments instead?” Ryouma said. “I respond much better to positive affirmation.”

“You’re in the wrong line of work,” Genma told him. “It’s not too late for a career change.” At least the team’s good humor was back. “But Hatake’s right. One way or the other, we have the advantage. Either our enemy is underestimating us, or we know his tactics. Not that Kuroda-taichou is our enemy,” he added with a glance at the door.

Kakashi slid back on the desk to lean against the wall and smirk at Ryouma. “Hey, look. I got a compliment.”

“It’s not too late for a career change for you either, Hatake,” Genma warned.

“Underwear models,” Ryouma announced, as if he’d been preparing it as a fallback career for years. “I'd beat out Kakashi there.”

Kakashi looked like he’d rather swallow a shotglass full of strychnine than consider modeling.

“The only other viable career for Hatake might be as a household cleaning object,” Katsuko said, after a long, thoughtful stare at Kakashi’s unkempt hair.

Ryouma spun on his wheeled chair and propelled himself backwards to fetch up next to Katsuko and give her a high five. “Katsu's on my team.”

“And I’ll be well qualified to teach nursery school,” Genma said. “Assuming a resume full of assassinations doesn’t exempt me.” He stretched, taking a deeper breath and twitching his senbon to the other side of his mouth. It was a huge relief to see the team in good spirits despite the morning’s shock. And Kakashi seemed to have taken his performance evaluation to heart: he was, as far as Genma could tell, making a genuine effort to connect with his teammates. If trying to get a rise out of Ryouma counted.
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