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Killing Time Between My Sins [Oct. 18th, 2015|07:12 pm]
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[User Picture]From: [info]ueno_katsuko
2015-10-18 11:50 pm (UTC)


“Of course,” Katsuko said, surveying the array of blades laid out before her with triumphant glee. “It builds character. Also, your right arm is a tinier bit longer than your left, so we need to pick the swords to compensate.”

“It doesn’t make that much difference,” he muttered, rubbing at his left forearm. He didn’t step off the fruit crate, though, which was the important part. Katsuko wanted to take advantage of his unexpected reserves of patience as much as she could; it was for a worthy cause.

“Not usually,” she agreed. She picked up a likely looking katana and pressed it into his hands before turning back to look for a suitable kodachi. “It wouldn’t matter at all if you studied a style that only used one blade. But Hyoho-Niten requires a sword in each hand, so that means you get to stand on the crate and hold things that I tell you to hold.”

There was a subtle difference between Fire Country and Wind Country blades. Not enough to make them incompatible, just noticeable. Wind Country steel-folding combined with the fuel they used for their forges gave their swords a faint blue sheen; Fire Country favored a rounder grip design and an earthier tint to their blades. It was part of the reason Katsuko had rejected everything in the previous shops.

The main part, of course, was that none of the katana they’d tried before had been crafted with a paired kodachi in mind. Beginners needed to start with proportionate blades; Kakashi was far more advanced, but it was only fair that he learn what a perfectly matched set of swords handled like in a kata before she threw anything else at him.

“Not that katana,” Nobuhira said, watching Kakashi take a few testing swings. “Although the length on that is good. I know I have a similar blade somewhere…” He nudged aside a stack of boxes to reveal another, smaller stack of boxes and opened the top one, sticking his head inside and muttering to himself.

When it became clear that Nobuhira wasn’t going to resurface anytime soon, Katsuko took the rejected katana from Kakashi. “Try this one out,” she said, and handed him a sleek kodachi with a red-wrapped hilt. “I’ve got a good feeling about it.”

Silence, broken only by Nobuhira’s low muttering, filled the room as Kakashi slid the kodachi out of its sheath. The long-suffering slope of his shoulders disappeared as he tipped his head and turned the blade over, weighing it.

He flipped the kodachi once, catching it easily, and nodded. “This one.”