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Break it Down by the Numbers [Sep. 30th, 2015|06:24 pm]
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[User Picture]From: [info]tousaki_ryouma
2015-10-01 02:44 am (UTC)


ANBU Periodic Performance Review Form

Agent: Tousaki Ryouma, 010950
Position: ANBU Team 6, Hunter, Rookie
Evaluating Officer: Shiranui Genma, 010203, Lieutenant, ANBU Team 6
Review Period: Y05, 19 April – 17 May
Missions: 2: ANB4052704-I-ISEG, ANB4050505-A-TSUT


  2. Rookie Hunter, ANBU Team 6
    ANBU Team 6 is a strike-force oriented squad. Tousaki is one of two rookies assigned to Team 6. He is a well-rounded offense specialist who relies most heavily on ninjutsu in combat situations. His signature jutsu are of particular value to ANBU, and contribute significantly to Team 6’s effectiveness at high-profile offensive missions. In addition to mission assignments, Tousaki is responsible for participating in daily team training, mastering all ANBU signals, codes and protocols, and carrying out tasks and activities assigned him by his seniors.


  4. Agent’s on-mission performance
    Tousaki is a skilled all-arounder, whose performance on his first two missions met or exceeded expectations. Despite sustaining traumatic injury during the ANBU trials (see injury report dated Y05-16-04) he showed only eagerness and enthusiasm before both missions Team 6 has carried out to date. He suffered severe chakra depletion on mission ANB4052704-I-ISEG (see injury report dated Y05-03-05), primarily due to the need for repeated applications of his high-intensity jutsu. He worked diligently at rehabilitation and recovery, and was mission fit when Team Six deployed for ANB4050505-A-TSUT. He shows good teamwork, and responds quickly to changing battlefield conditions, although he also shows a troubling recklessness and seems to be subject to a fair degree of emotional instability. Some of this may be a factor of his being new to ANBU and the unsavory nature of typical ANBU missions.

    Agent’s off-mission performance
    Tousaki’s inability to read is a handicap that he has, for the most part, worked around. The arrangement with Intel whereby Tousaki dictates his mission reports is working satisfactorily; however, since he is unable to do any other team-related paperwork, the lion’s share of non-written team-functioning tasks such as laundry and stock keeping falls to him. He carries that out cheerfully and without complaint. He continues to work with Hatake and Ueno to master ANBU field codes and signs, and is making satisfactory progress.