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[Oct. 1st, 2015|02:45 am]


    Are there areas of exceptional performance that should be particularly noted?
    Tousaki tackled and struck the killing blow against the demon ‘queen’ on mission ANB4052704-I-ISEG. This monstrous demon was larger than a 2-storey building, and had already done considerable damage to several team members. Tousaki attacked it without hesitation when he saw an opening, and despite considerable risk to his own life was able to kill the beast. His fearlessness undoubtedly saved the lives of his teammates.

    On mission ANB4050505-A-TSUT, Tousaki fought seamlessly with Shiranui and Hatake when Iebara struck unexpectedly, and was instrumental in their takedown of the Mist ninja. When, in the course of that battle, Hatake was at the mercy of the Mist captain, Tousaki intervened with a crippling but non-disabling blow, saving Hatake’s life and making it possible for Shiranui to later secure the enemy captain as a prisoner. He then carried the gravely injured Hatake several kilometers to the safehouse, and worked diligently for several days, assisting in the medical care of his injured teammates while Team 6 awaited medical evac.

    Are there areas of performance needing more attention or improvement?
    Tousaki’s jutsu are extremely chakra intensive, and as a result he relies on soldier pills more than is advisable. He needs to streamline his jutsu so as to reduce chakra expenditure as much as possible, and prevent the need for chakra transfusion from his teammates.

    Tousaki’s emotional instability will need addressing if it persists beyond this initial adjustment period to the rigors of ANBU’s missions. His reaction to disturbing mission content is not unexpected, but especially on Team 6’s second mission, he seemed troubled enough that it affected his performance while the mission was still ongoing, becoming withdrawn and agitated immediately after the main objective was achieved, and remaining so to a greater or lesser degree for the duration of Team 6’s time in the field.    

    State and discuss the expectations and goals for the upcoming review period.
    In the next month, Tousaki will
    • Practice small jutsu such as limited-release katon-no-jutsu on a daily basis

    • Practice chakra management, with emphasis on reducing chakra expenditure and improving jutsu efficiency, especially for high-drain jutsu such as shadow clones and his flesh-dissolving techniques

    • Continue to review ANBU signs and signals with Ueno and Hatake

    • Continue to shadow and assist Shiranui with medical care for Team 6, with an eye to beginning training as a field medic

    • See the medical office for evaluation and treatment of old injury to left knee

    • Carry out other orders and missions as assigned
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