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[Oct. 1st, 2015|02:23 am]

After a moment, Katsuko cleared her throat and persuaded her eyebrows to climb down from her hairline. Her voice still went a little high-pitched when she asked, “Officer Preparatory course?”

Genma nodded. "Only as an audit, for now. I think you'd find it interesting, and I'm convinced by what I've seen so far you have aptitude.” He paused and added, "Taichou agrees."

Katsuko stared at him, then back down at her report. Genma had covered everything from Team Six’s first mission to the aftermath of their second. He was even more observant than she’d thought. She’d accuse him of embellishing the ‘exemplary performance’ section if the rest of his report wasn’t so painfully accurate.

He’d noticed everything she’d done to help after the Tsuto mission. And he thought she was doing a good job with the rookies, even if she could be doing better. Something warm and pleased lit her chest up inside.

Still… “I agree with your assessment about what I need to improve, fukuchou,” Katsuko said. “But I’ve never been recommended for officer prep before. I was under the impression I didn’t have the personality for it. What makes you think I have the aptitude?”

Genma tipped his head to the side, matching her frank look with one of his own. "What makes you think you don't? You show a tremendous amount of concern for the wellbeing of your teammates, and you have a sharp mind. There’s more than one kind of officer in ANBU. Look at Nara-taichou and Usagi-taichou."

Katsuko knew how to lead — it was one of the prerequisites of reaching jounin — but commanding a team of chuunin on a B-rank mission was different than leading an ANBU squad. ANBU were all jounin or special-jounin. It took someone special to command the elite.

Genma and Raidou thought she could be one of those people.
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