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Break it Down by the Numbers[Sep. 30th, 2015|06:24 pm]

[Takes place in the afternoon on May 15, Yondaime Year 5, immediately after Hold the Line]

Thank all the gods, the wait for answers about Team Six was finally over. Mostly. As Genma crutched his way back from lunch with Raidou to the elevator at the base of the Hokage Monument, he formulated a plan: he’d finish up those performance evals, summon the team, explain the situation with Raidou and their incoming-but-unknown temporary substitute captain, and then he’d have his performance meetings with everyone. Ryouma last, since he’d have to read Ryouma’s to him.

That was probably going to be awkward.

And then he’d find Asuma and see how apartment hunting had gone, and they were going to have drinks. As many drinks as it took to unknot his shoulders. Which, given he was still on painkillers was probably going to be one, maybe one and a half... Daruma himself would have had his patience tried by the week Genma’d had.

That thought detoured Genma into a shop on the hill leading to the monument, where he bought a small paper-maché Daruma to take back to the office. He mentally added, ‘go to the temple and make a gratitude offering for Raidou’s good news’ to his list of things to do before he called the day done.

First thing, when he got to ANBU HQ, was arranging for messengers to each of his team members, calling them to a meeting at 1500. When he made it back to their office, Genma sat for a moment and propped his aching leg up. He reached for a black pen and colored in one of the Daruma figure’s blank eyes. “Daruma-san,” he told it, “work hard to see Namiashi-taichou through his training and get him back to the team. When Team Six is reunited, you’ll get your other eye.”

He set the one-eyed figure on the back corner of his desk where it could watch over the whole office. Then he unlocked his file drawer, got out the performance forms, and got to work.

Half an hour later he had them finished, and was just starting to work on medical reports, when there was a knock on the door. “Shiranui-fukuchou?”

“It’s unlocked,” Genma called.

The door opened smoothly, and a round-faced woman in Intel’s grey uniform stood respectfully at the threshold. “I have a message for you from the front desk,” she said.

“You can come in.” Genma waved a hand at his crutches by way of explanation for his rudeness in not rising.

She glided silently into the room and held out a folded slip of paper for Genma. Her chakra was streamlined and self-contained — clearly she was one of the up-and-comers from Intel doing a stint as a functionary in ANBU HQ.

She waited while Genma read the note. It was penned in a familiarly illegible scrawl.


Request change of venue to room 38-C in the palace.

The note was signed with a heno-heno-moheji scarecrow face, and then below that, in slightly larger letters:

P.S. I have snacks

Genma blinked. Kakashi was offering snacks? Either he was attempting bribery to get his way — likely. Or he was actually trying to step up and support the team — less likely, but if it were true, it was a promising sign, especially in light of the performance evaluation Genma’d just finished for him.

Of course what kind of snacks was another question, given Kakashi’s tastes in trail food. Maybe Genma’d stop by the bakery and pick up some day-olds on his way, if there was time.

The woman from Intel was still waiting. Genma grabbed a fresh sheet of paper and jotted off a quick reply. Venue change accepted. Time changed to 1515, to accommodate travel time. He signed, stamped, and folded it, and handed it to the woman. “Can you have this delivered to Hatake Kakashi? He’s currently at the Palace.”


“Please,” Genma said. “Thank you for bringing it.”

She nodded, saluted, and left, closing the door behind her.

Now he just had to wait for Ryouma and Katsuko to arrive, and they’d make a field trip of it.
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