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[Aug. 13th, 2015|02:56 am]

“Then let’s do it.” The elevator stopped again, this time on their floor, and Asuma held the door so Genma could get out without it closing on him. “We can rent another rickshaw, once you’re done in here. I’ll find a paper while you’re working.”

Genma crutched his way out of the elevator, shooting Asuma an apologetic look as he passed. “Maybe we can meet here after my appointment to go over the classifieds. I hate to leave you on your own, but could you do the scouting today?” Genma paused once they were in the lobby; the elevator chimed softly, the doors slid closed, and it rolled away to its next destination. “I have some paperwork that I have to turn in today. I was planning on spending the rest of the day at HQ in my team’s office.”

“No, that’s cool.” The joys of being a lieutenant. Asuma did not envy him the extra office work at all. “I promise I won’t pick a place that has you living in squalor.”

Most apartments near the center of the city that were left for ninja to fight over tended to be in the top floors. He wondered how far out they’d have to look before they could find one available on the first floor. Bottom-floor apartments that weren’t downtown might be cheaper, too. It wasn’t like distance was typically a problem for jounin. And the stairs would be a bigger issue for Genma in the short term.

“You want me for anything here?” he added after a pause, already turning the logistics of this over in his head. Having this to think about should help in pushing his anger at Reiko away, so he didn’t end up stewing over it for the rest of the day.

Genma shook his head. “I’m good. And I’m cool with whatever, just not too close to my dad’s if you can help it.” Asuma did not blame him for that. Much as he liked Genma’s dad, all the free pastries probably wouldn’t be worth the constant housecalls. “There might actually be a two-bedroom place in Aoba’s building.”

“I’ll check there, too.” It would have to at least be affordable, if Aoba was managing the rent alone. Asuma took a step back toward the elevator bank. “Don’t make the therapist cry if you can help it.”

The smirk Genma gave him as he turned was gently self-mocking. “I’m pretty sure it’s going to be the other way around.” And with that parting he carefully made his way into the waiting area, skirting the uncomfortable looking seats to approach the reception desk and sign in.

Think of it like a mission, Asuma told himself, opting for the stairs on his way out. Apartment hunting was not high on his list of skills, but ninja were nothing if not adaptable. He could figure out how to be a pro at it by this time tomorrow, if only for his own sanity.

And then he could reward himself for a job well done—or at least successfully completed—by moving in with someone who didn’t think he was a drag just for existing. And maybe with some takeout. The good stuff for a change. Genma would certainly deserve it, as a thank you both for coming up with the idea and for dealing with Reiko.

The first step would be to find that newspaper...
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