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One Of My Kind [Feb. 20th, 2015|10:19 pm]
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[User Picture]From: [info]ueno_katsuko
2015-02-21 03:57 am (UTC)


Instead of protesting, Ryouma rested an elbow on his knee and gazed at her thoughtfully. "You've out-eaten me every meal we've had together. Out-eaten Kakashi and me and the lieutenant put together, half the time. Can't just be metabolism—you don't have enough muscle to burn it. Is it your chakra?"

She’d have to remember that Ryouma liked to lead with disarming banter before going in for the verbal kill. Well, she could, too. Katsuko chewed, swallowed, and winked at him. “Course it is. How else d’you think I keep my girlish figure? I’ll tell you a secret: if we’re captured, the enemy doesn’t need any fancy tricks. Just starve me for more than a few days and my chakra eats me alive from the inside out.”

Ryouma’s face lost some of its color beneath his tan. "I'm sorry. I didn't— He broke off and stared down at the half-eaten eggroll in his hands. After a moment he stuffed it in his mouth and handed her a fresh one. He swallowed. "Always wondered why the lieutenant was so insistent on juice boxes and snacks at practice. So he's not just playing Team Mom?"

“Oh no, he’s definitely Team Mom.” Katsuko poked glumly at her new eggroll. “It’s a medic thing. Always convinced their patients can’t take care of themselves. Always taking notes in their heads. But he does bring food, yeah.”

"I was pretty pissed the first time he tried to feed me, that first day. Like he didn't believe I'd made it this far without someone handing me rat bars and telling me when to eat." Ryouma’s mouth quirked up. "Juice boxes at practice are winning me over, though."

Katsuko hadn’t forgotten that her first official meeting with Genma had involved her almost fracturing at the mention of Orochimaru’s name. She’d watched him since then, looking for signs he thought she was ‘unstable’ or ‘fragile’—words medics liked to toss around before subjecting her to the condescending gentleness they gave all irrational patients.

She hadn’t observed anything so far that couldn’t be blamed on her own paranoia, but she did know the lieutenant was making his own observations—and judgments—beneath that frustrating, unreadable mask.

“Yours is a generous heart,” she said, and changed the subject. “What’s taking Hakone so long? Maybe you should go find him. Don’t worry, I’ll guard your food.”

Ryouma raised extremely skeptical eyebrows and opened his mouth. She never heard what he was going to say, because Hakone appeared at the far end of the courtyard with a lunch tray. Katsuko zeroed in on the steaming contents. “Is that curry?” she demanded.