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Rest for the Wicked [Aug. 22nd, 2014|09:30 pm]
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[User Picture]From: [info]ueno_katsuko
2014-08-23 04:29 am (UTC)


Ryouma was still regarding Raidou with a complicated expression, but he yanked his gaze away with a kind of relief. "There might be pictures, even, if my sensei kept 'em. Which I kind of doubt. I never did learn the fan dance, though. Barely mastered how to walk without tripping."

Hers was a life fraught with disappointment and continued betrayal. Katsuko drooped a bit before pulling herself back up. Never let it be said that she couldn’t make the best of a bad situation. “It’s okay,” she sighed. “We can’t all be perfect. I forgive you anyways.”

Ryouma reached over behind Kakashi and ruffled her hair. She grumbled but didn’t bat his hand away.

“So what’s the penalty?” Genma asked. “Rat bars again?”

Raidou nodded. “Or chores. Dealer’s choice.”

“Three of you are out of commission for chores. I’m saving it for later,” Ryouma said.

"Good choice." Raidou thought for a moment, tapping his fingers on one kneecap. "Okay, one: when I was little, I had a stuffed tiger called Stripey-san, but I lost him when we moved house. Two: the first girl I ever liked pushed me into a river. Three: I've been playing the guitar since I was twelve, and I once managed to write a song that didn't suck."

“Aw, man,” Katsuko realized glumly. “I’m gonna have to sit out for this one. I already know the answer.”

Genma eyeballed Raidou. “That’s four.”

Raidou looked unrepentant. “That last one was a two-parter? Okay, cut the song, I just wanted to boast.”

“I’m voting for the guitar as the lie,” Ryouma said, like he’d have a personal grudge against the universe if it wasn’t.

"I've seen the guitar,” Genma said. “Don't know when you started playing or if you're any good, but there definitely is one. I'll go with Stripey-san as the lie."

Raidou had his blandest face on. Kakashi asked suspiciously, "Why did the girl push you in the river?"

"I gave her a flower."

Kakashi blinked.

"We were six," Raidou explained. Katsuko giggled and tried her best to turn it into a cough.

“Was she an Inuzuka?” Genma asked.

“Inuzuka tend to bite when they’re displeased with you,” Katsuko chimed in, then remembered she wasn’t supposed to be participating and busied herself with staring at the ceiling.