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Rest for the Wicked [Aug. 22nd, 2014|09:30 pm]
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[User Picture]From: [info]namiashi_raidou
2014-08-23 04:00 am (UTC)


“I see that,” Raidou said. “Seems like you make a decent scrub-nurse, too.”

She grinned at him, reboundable as always. “The scrubbiest.”

“We’re finished except for the clean up,” Genma said, meeting Raidou’s eyes over Ryouma’s head. “Please tell me we’re done with medical emergencies for the moment.”

“I know I’ve met my quota,” Raidou said. “You guys want breakfast?”

Yes, breakfast,” Katsuko said.

Genma glanced at the empty space on his wrist where his watch would have been, if he hadn’t spent half the last day wrist-deep in bleeding people. He pulled a face. “My sense of time is off. Is it breakfast time? Food’d be good.”

“It’s about three A.M.,” Raidou said. He still had a watch. “We’ve been here just shy of a day.”

Genma blinked. “Really?”

Raidou smiled, wry. “Guess we needed the sleep.”

And then some.

Ryouma gathered the used bandages and stood, glancing sidelong at Raidou. “You cooking?”

Raidou had threatened to make Ryouma run cooking detail for breakfast and lunch, but looking at the slight shake in Ryouma’s hands, and the tension underlining that angular face, Raidou was more inclined to make him sit still and quiet until he got the ground back under his feet.

“Might as well, since I’m up,” Raidou said. “Any requests?”

“I’ll eat whatever,” Katsuko said, to the surprise of no one.

“I suppose it’s too much to ask for eggs and good coffee,” Genma said, with a wistful sigh. “What have we got besides rice and war rations?”

“There was a lot of stuff in cans,” Ryouma said, closing his eyes as he listed off: “Mackerel, sausages, pickled vegetables, satsumas. Foil mystery meal packets. Miso and umeboshi, dried sweet potato.” He opened his eyes and looked hopeful. “Sake.”

Katsuko’s head came up.

“Nice try,” Raidou said. “Sake’s for cooking and emergency antiseptic. Fledgling alcoholism can wait for the next mission.”

Genma’s second sigh was even more wistful. “It’s probably not the good stuff, anyway.”

“It’s okay, lieutenant,” Katsuko said reassuringly. “He promised next mission.”

Raidou gave up, amused despite himself, and said, “You’re all getting mystery foil breakfast.” He took the bandages from Ryouma, and the remaining medical supplies from Katsuko. “Help the lieutenant back into bed, since you’re so dead-set against him walking. And someone see if Hatake can wake up for food.”

By Raidou’s count, it’d been about ten hours since that protein shake, and that was the only thing Kakashi had managed to eat.

Ryouma began stiffly, “I’m not just—” Then clearly realized Raidou had been teasing. His shoulders came down a little, and he said, “Read the labels on the packets before you dump ‘em together, taichou.” With that last word, he leaned down to help Genma stand up.

Clearly the better choice to keep him around people, instead of segregated alone in the kitchen.

On Genma’s other side, Katsuko hovered close, hand extended and steadying. When they’d gotten the lieutenant back on the platform and installed back under the covers, she cast a thoughtful eye Kakashi’s way.

Raidou privately wished the unconscious man luck, and left to attend to food.