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Salt the Earth [May. 7th, 2014|07:49 pm]
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[User Picture]From: [info]hatake_kakashi
2014-05-08 04:05 am (UTC)


Kakashi followed the lieutenant’s nod to another silver-wrapped person laid out on the edge of the crater. A blood-slick ponytail looked like it might be blonde underneath. The captain, who’d almost cut Kakashi down.

What?” Ryouma demanded, jerking up to his feet.

The lines of her body didn’t look complete. Kakashi tracked two legs and what looked like an arm pinned beneath her ribcage; his eye tripped over the missing space where another arm should have dented the foil-blanket out sideways.

“Their captain,” Genma said, over his head. “I amputated what was left of the arm you got, Ram. She might be useful to Intel, if we can get her back to Konoha, but if she hinders us, we’ll do what we have to.”

“Amputation,” Ryouma said, sounding stunned and a little distant. “Right. Well, that’d work…” He stared at the woman for one more moment, then hunkered back down next to Kakashi. “How’re you feeling?”

“B-better than her,” Kakashi said, and felt like a monster when laughter spilled up his throat. But then, he had just detonated a man. And they’d all killed a family, so at least he was in good company. Shivering took over and wouldn’t stop. “C-cold.”

“Ram, heat the water in your canteen to a little above body temperature,” Genma ordered. He slid a pill vial from his med-kit, shaking out a pair of soldier pills. “Morphine getting a handle on your pain, Hound? This isn’t going to feel nice, but I need to get soldier pills in you before I can try to heal you.”

Because healing pulled on the injured party’s chakra. No chakra, no healing.

Soldier pills were going to hurt a lot, though.

“Morphine’s helping,” Kakashi said. It was starting to blunt the edges, at least, making him feel leaden and heavy, like the ground could pull him right down.

Ryouma set a broad hand on Kakashi’s shoulder, and sudden heat suffused through the foil-blanket. Ryouma’s other hand held a metal canteen. He was warming everything at once, spilling a careful trickle of his fire-nature out. With good control, it didn’t even take a jutsu.

“Think you can sit up?” he asked Kakashi.

“Better if he stays lying down, Ram, he’s a little shocky,” Genma cut in, before Kakashi could answer. “Just lift his head and shoulders enough for him to swallow.”

Ryouma nodded and tossed the steaming canteen across. Genma caught it deftly, dropping in the soldier pills and swirling them until they dissolved.

“M’not shocky,” Kakashi protested, through chattering teeth.

A warm hand slid under the back of his neck, carefully cradling, and lifted his head up just enough for Ryouma to settle in behind him, notching a muddy knee into the gap for Kakashi to brace against. “You’re shocking me,” Ryouma murmured, as his chakra rolled heat across Kakashi’s skin. “Awake five minutes and you haven’t even insulted me yet.”

Kakashi blinked hazily at him. “You really smell.”

Ryouma blinked back, then white teeth flashed in a broad smile. “See? Recovering already.”

“Mm,” Kakashi agreed, and settled against Ryouma’s knee.

He didn’t realize he’d closed his eye until the lieutenant’s voice cut sharply through the hissing drizzle of dying rain—“Hound, Hound.”—and a hand touched his face.

Kakashi jerked back awake, and winced.

Genma let out a breath. “Stay awake a little longer, okay?” he said, and tweaked the foil-blanket down to set the lip of the canteen against the unmasked side of Kakashi’s mouth. “You need to drink this. Little sips.”

Tip of your nose, half the mouth, some cheek. Not the whole picture.

Still enough.

Kakashi choked, chakra-rich water spilling down his chin, and flailed a hand up to slap, or grab, or something, anything to get their eyes off his face. Genma's free hand caught his wrist, careful but rock-solid, and a shadow moved above Kakashi's head.