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Reunions and Ruminations [Apr. 23rd, 2014|12:48 am]
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[User Picture]From: [info]sarutobi_asuma
2014-04-23 05:14 am (UTC)


The first didn't ring any bells with him, but the second Asuma remembered. All sorts of rogue bloodlines had surfaced under the pressure of war, particularly the weird ones, but if he remembered right, the rotting jutsu was actually a new technique. One that, academically, he could see piquing the curiosity of a medic like Genma.

On the other hand, the phrase 'rotting people's faces to slag' only conjured images of Hikouto's palace in ruins and Kazuma's shattered face at his feet. Asuma took a breath through his nose, exhaled to a count of seven, and then looked back over to his friend.

"You're a good people person," he said. "Hell, you kept me in line and you weren't even my LT. You'll figure them out."

There was a brief hesitation before Genma shifted to stretch his arms along the top of the bench, slouching more comfortably. His arm was warm where it brushed against the back of Asuma's shoulders. "It's not that bad, really," Genma said. "This morning I heard confessions of inappropriate behavior; gave advice on how to give a decent apology; made all three of them train while Namiashi was at an emergency meeting; punished smart-assery; and fielded questions about ANBU salary in terms of goats."

He shifted the senbon to the other corner of his mouth in a cheeky smile. "So, you know. I'm managing the promotion okay."

And as if to underline Genma's new level of responsibility, one silver-haired shinobi stepped out of the hospital and turned to their occupied bench. Considering his face was (almost literally) buried in a pile of paperwork, Asuma assumed he was homing in on Genma's chakra presence.

"I can't get soldier pills for Tousaki without a second signature," Kakashi said once he was within hearing distance, still not looking up from the papers he was rifling through. "Something about him being chakra-fried and he doesn't have a medic's sign off yet. Lieutenant, can you—”

Kakashi finally looked up about a meter from the bench, appropriate form in hand, and stopped short at the sight of Genma’s companion. Asuma gave him a little wave.