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[Apr. 23rd, 2014|05:08 am]

The buzzy hit of nicotine, the sweet, smoky haze between them, and Asuma’s copper-warm chakra next to him were almost enough to transport Genma a year and a half back, before Asuma left to serve the Fire Daimyou. But the weariness in Asuma’s voice was too fresh, and his eyes were locked in the frayed, thousand-meter stare of a man who’d seen too much too recently.

Carnage in the capitol. Brothers-in-arms rising up as traitors. Losing every one of your teammates and dozens of others besides in an unholy blood bath. It was a ninja’s worst nightmare, and Asuma had lived it out.

“We heard how bad it was,” Genma said quietly. “Actually, we heard it was worse. My team was in the field when the news reached Konoha. We got a Code Broken Link in response to a request for backup.”

Asuma shook his head in sympathy. “Yeah,” he said. “I’m sure that scared the shit out of everybody.”

“My team was in bad shape,” Genma said. “Namiashi—my captain—told me when he got the message, but we didn’t tell the rest of the team right away. We had to get transport back by river boat. We broke the news once we were on the river. And yeah, it still scared the shit out of everybody. Hatake especially.”

Asuma twitched in surprise.

“That’s right, you don’t know,” Genma said. He took another hit off his dwindling cigarette. “I’m a lieutenant now, and I’ve got two rookies on my team. Hatake Kakashi’s one of them.”

“The first is definitely awesome,” Asuma said, looking at Genma with wide, surprised eyes under raised brows. “How is all of that working out?”

“Pretty well,” Genma said. “Surprisingly. Namiashi’s a good captain—I like him a lot. He’s not Hajime—” the thought brought him up short. Team Three had taken heavy casualties, Raidou had said, Hajime among them. “I guess he’s here. I’ll have to try and check on him when I’m done with my treatment. You came back last night, right? Was he with you? His mask is Squirrel.”

The weary, defeated look stole back over Asuma’s face as he nodded. “Yeah, with a hip wound. Just him and Ferret came back. Lost the other two.” He stuck the cigarette back in his mouth and took a long, deep draw.

Ferret must be Ryouma’s friend Ayane, the rookie from Hajime’s team. The two who hadn’t come back, Munenori Rokurou and Akamichi Yuudai, weren’t agents Genma knew well, but he’d known them. So had Asuma, probably.

Given the staggering losses Asuma was already dealing with, Genma decided not to ask.

“Namiashi said Hajime had a good prognosis, and Ferret was uninjured,” Genma said. “So there’s that.” It was small comfort, but… that was ANBU. No one liked to look too closely at the odds they all played.
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