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Diversionary Tactics [Mar. 4th, 2014|05:43 pm]
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[User Picture]From: [info]ueno_katsuko
2014-03-05 02:24 am (UTC)


There was mud underneath her tongue. Katsuko grimaced and scrubbed her sleeve over her mouth, accomplishing absolutely nothing in the way of cleanliness. “Learn what?” she asked. “How to run up a laundry bill?”

Genma fixed her with the blandest of looks. “Restraint.”

Kakashi shook his head violently, like a dog coming in from a rainstorm. Mud splattered the side of Katsuko’s face. She didn’t bother moving out of the way. It wasn’t like her jounin blues could get any dirtier. Ryouma didn’t dodge the mud assault either, just peeled off his shirt, turned it inside out, and starting wiping off his face with it.

“There’s a silver lining to every cloud,” Katsuko mused absently, tilting her head.

Kakashi cut a sideways glance at Ryouma. “Really?”

“Or maybe not so much learning,” Genma muttered, and raised his voice a little. “We’re going for a run and a swim. Last one of you three in the river at Sarusawa Point gets to log all the training reports this week.”

Ryouma had been making a face at Kakashi around the shirt-scrubbing, but he lowered the shirt at that. “It’s May.”

Kakashi had already disappeared. Katsuko cursed and started to sprint.

Towering trees lined the river at Sarusawa Point, tangled roots forming a lattice that broke through the earthen bank and plunged into the river bed. Kakashi was waiting for them on the river’s surface, sitting cross-legged serenely atop the water. Mud still caked his hair and clothes, making him look like some sort of mystical unbathed vagrant.

Genma and Ryouma caught up with Katsuko just as she reached the broad circle of shade cast by low-hanging branches. Ryouma had dispensed with his shirt entirely somewhere along the way.

“Cheating!” Katsuko hollered at him. “No distracting the competition!”

“Just being a silver lining!” Ryouma yelled back.

The lieutenant’s chakra blinked an instant before he translocated, flickering to the river’s opposite bank. Genma stood there, absently holding his injured side as he watched Katsuko and Ryouma pelt towards the water.

Ryouma’s legs were longer, but Katsuko put on an extra burst of speed. They reached the bank’s edge at the same time and dove, plunging beneath the river’s surface with twin splashes.

Katsuko immediately regretted it. Cold hit her in the face like the broad side of a cutlass, shocking her into an underwater yelp. Bubbles streamed out of her mouth in a series of rounded exclamation points that accompanied her on her scramble back up towards air and sunlight.

Kakashi greeted her with a raised, muddy eyebrow when she finally surfaced. Katsuko spat out river water and let out an inelegant spluttering noise. Ryouma was making angry seal sounds a few feet away, shivering and scrubbing mud out of his dark hair as he treaded water with his legs.

“Eight out of ten,” Kakashi told Katsuko. “You bent a knee on the entry.” He glanced at Ryouma. “Six out of ten, mostly for sounding like you’re dying.”