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Diversionary Tactics [Mar. 4th, 2014|05:43 pm]
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[User Picture]From: [info]shiranui_genma
2014-03-05 02:00 am (UTC)


Genma nodded, peering at Ryouma’s faintly bruised throat, then reaching for Ryouma’s hand to inspect the stomped-upon fingers. “Did you do something special to earn his wrath, or was he just feeling surly this morning?”

Ryouma’s gaze slid sideways, coming to rest at Genma’s left shoulder. “Made a pass at him,” he said, voice so low Genma had to lean in to hear it. “I was joking, but I don't think he realized it.” He paused. “Mostly joking.”



That sounded like a genuine confession, which meant this morning was just blooming with unusual developments. Ryouma flirted the way Katsuko teased and Raidou was punctual, but Kakashi’d been used to that within three days of Team Six’s forming. This was definitely something else.

“So you were a little more—” Genma groped for the right word. “—direct than your usual sort of teasing?”

“That's a good way of putting it,” Ryouma said vaguely. He gave himself a rough shake, then lifted his chin to meet Genma's eyes. “I didn't assault him or anything,” he said, suddenly intense. “I— I mean, I touched him, but it wasn't—” His voice faltered. “I wouldn't. I just offered.”

“I assume he said no,” Genma said. Coercion between ninja of equal skill—which for all intents and purposes Kakashi and Ryouma were—was a tricky thing, and usually ended up with broken bones at best, if someone’s ‘no’ wasn’t respected. “I don’t think you’d overstep a clear boundary.” And there was Raidou’s favorite word.

Raidou, who had some fairly complicated boundaries, where Ryouma was concerned.

And there was Ryouma looking like he was afraid of what Genma was thinking.

“I know you’re no rapist,” Genma said. And hoped it was true. Was pretty sure it was true. “But all kidding about attempting to bed every eligible person in ANBU aside—”

Fuck. What was he supposed to say? He had joked with Ryouma about Ryouma’s goal of sleeping with every non-officer in ANBU, hadn’t he? Boundaries boundaries boundaries. He was getting it tattooed.

“What happened after he said no?”

Ryouma’s gaze drifted back to Genma’s shoulder, like there was some kind of refuge there. His shoulders and the back of his neck were a mass of fresh tension. “He translocated to the other side of the room,” he said slowly, “and told me he didn't sleep with teammates.”

Genma nodded.

“I— didn't quite laugh at him,” Ryouma went on. “It was a joke, we'd been joking.” His voice rose, pleading with Genma to understand. “I didn't even think about it until this morning. I didn't know he was that pissed off. He didn't seem that mad when he left my room.”