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[Jan. 4th, 2014|09:30 am]

The door latch clicked again, and the polished brass glow of Aoba’s chakra presence washed into the room.

“Aww, did I make him run?” Aoba asked. When he caught sight of Genma’s face, he sobered right up. “What’s the matter?” He put a paper sack of purchases from the convenience store on the coffee table and sat next to Genma on the couch. “Kakashi’s one of your rookies, right? Did the girl… did she not make it?”

“No. I don’t know yet,” Genma said, sitting up again. “It wasn’t about that.”

Aoba dug around in the sack and extracted a cold milk tea, which he put in Genma’s hand. “You look like someone handed you bad news. What happened?”

“Eh, I just… Every time I try to connect with Kakashi, I fuck it up.”

Aoba raised an eyebrow.

“As his lieutenant, I mean,” Genma said. “He’s touchy as hell. Actually, he had good news for me, if you can believe it.”

“Oh?” Aoba liberated a pair of cellophane-wrapped onigiri from the sack, put one pointedly on Genma’s knee, and unwrapped the other for himself.

“Obviously this doesn’t leave the room,” Genma said.

“Obviously,” Aoba agreed. “Roommate’s code. And if it’s really classified—”

“I know,” Genma said. “It’s not, probably. It sounds like it will be public in the morning, anyway. But it’s big. Kakashi came straight here from Yondaime-sama.”

Aoba stopped eating to look at Genma.

“Asuma’s alive. In the hospital, I think. Yondaime-sama brought him back with him today. He’s been debriefed. Protected the Daimyou from the traitors in the Twelve.”

“He’s… Are you sure?”

“As sure as Kakashi was, and he seemed certain. He didn’t know how bad Asuma was hurt, but if he’s awake enough to be debriefed—”

“That’s not good news, Genma, that’s great news.” Aoba’s mouth spread into a delighted grin. “When are you gonna go see him?”

“Not tonight,” Genam said, looking at the clock. “They wouldn’t let me in. But I have to go back and see Hyuuga-sensei again tomorrow afternoon, so I’ll be at the hospital.”

“So you’ll go then,” Aoba said. “You can tell him hi for me, too.”

“You could come.”

“And get in the middle of your tearful reunion? I don’t think so,” Aoba said. He reached over and gave Genma’s shoulder a jostle. “You were right. He was loyal.”

“Yeah,” Genma said. “He was.” He uncapped the tea and took a long, sweet swallow.

“Feel better?” Aoba asked.

Genma nodded.

“Eat your rice ball, Gen-chan.”

Huh, it was kind of annoying being told to eat. Genma unwrapped his snack. “That’s supposed to be my line, according to Kakashi. He says I fuss.”

“You do,” Aoba said contentedly. “Sometimes. But it’s okay, it just shows you care. You were born under a serious star.”

“I was?”

“It’s why you need people like me and Asuma in your life,” Aoba continued. He leaned against Genma’s shoulder. “I’m glad he’s home.”
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