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[Jan. 4th, 2014|09:19 am]

“Can I have a look?” Genma asked. He was pushing it, judging by Kakashi’s almost-flinch at the question, but it wasn’t an injury he could just ignore. “The swelling’s pretty obvious; Namiashi-taichou will notice,” he said. “If I’ve already checked you out now, I won’t have to do it again tomorrow in front of the rest of the team.”

The look Kakashi gave him would have stripped paint. Without taking a step away from his spot by the door, he reached up and very slowly pushed his hitai-ate onto his forehead. His scarred Sharingan eye remained firmly closed, but there was plenty of swelling and bruising in the hollow below it. When he eased the top of his mask down a bare centimeter or so, Genma could see the edge of an abrasion where the blow must have landed.

It would probably be asking too much to make Kakashi walk across the room. Genma pushed himself to his feet and went to his reluctant patient instead. “I don’t suppose you’d let one of the Hyuuga medics check it out to make sure you haven’t chipped the bone? I can feel for any chakra disruption from bone damage, but that means I’d have to touch it.”

“It’s not broken,” Kakashi said curtly, but he turned his head sideways, offering Genma access.

Genma was as gentle as he could be, ghosting his fingertips over the injury. A few slow pulses of chakra echoed back cleanly. “You’re right,” he said. “Not broken. How about I take some of this swelling down?”

“Do whatever you want,” Kakashi said. He sounded a little distant, like he’d checked out of this interaction until Genma got back out of his personal space.

Putting his hands together, Genma focused his chakra, added a Rabbit seal for delicacy, and set glowing palms over Kakashi’s cheek. Five minutes later, the bruise looked a week old, the swelling was reduced by more than half, and the abrasion was a mostly healed scab. “How’s that feel?” Genma asked, stepping back.

Kakashi flexed his jaw, stretching to check his range of motion, then nodded and shuttered his mask and hitai-ate back into place. “Better,” he said. He tilted his head at Genma like he was trying to figure out a puzzle. “"Does it help when you have people to badger?

“Does it help what?” Genma asked, but he knew the answer. “It helps to have a job to do.” He sat back down on the couch, tired.
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