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22nd Sep, 2009


Placeholder for Fralice cuddling.


Who: Dorcas Meadowes and Leoben Yaxley
When: Tuesday, 22 September 1980; night
Where: Ben's stables
What: Saying goodbyes
Rating: C for creepy
Status: Completed log

been given 24 hours to tie up loose ends, to make amends. his eyes said it all, i started to fall and the silence deafened )

21st Sep, 2009


Parcel Owl to Alecto Carrow

Parcel Owl to Alecto Carrow )


Who: Dorcas Meadowes and Gobbo the house elf
When: Monday, 21 September 1980; night
Where: Ben's stables
What: Tending to the girl in the stables
Rating: Sadness and self-abuse
Status: Completed log

how much longer until you break? your mind's about to fall )


*insert intense fralastor conversation here*


Who: Nora and Xeno Lovegood
What: The best news EVER
When: Monday, 21 September, 1980; late afternoon
Where: The Rook
Rating: PG
Status: Complete

Xeno, I'm pregnant )

20th Sep, 2009


Who: Frank Longbottom, accompanied by the voices of Leoben Yaxley and Dorcas Meadowes
What: Frank is evesdropping.
Where: The Longbottom Residence.
When: 20 September 1980, evening.
Rating: S for sad.
Status: Completed narrative.

Is there anybody going to listen to my story, all about the girl who came to stay? )


Who: Dorcas Meadowes and Leoben Yaxley
When: Sunday, 20 September 1980; night
Where: Ben's stables
What: A birthday celebration
Rating: More violence, Ben's creepy and Dorcas's mouth
Status: Completed log

i do not want to be afraid. i do not want to die inside just to breathe in )



Birthday owl for Leoben Yaxley, to be recieved at breakfast. )


Placed on the breakfast table for Leoben Yaxley by one of the house elves )

19th Sep, 2009


Portkey to the Longbottom house )


Who: Dorcas Meadowes and Leoben Yaxley
When: Saturday, 19 September 1980; night
Where: Ben's stables
What: Lesson #1
Rating: Violence, Ben's creepy and Dorcas's mouth
Status: Completed log

bless your body, bless your soul, pray for peace and self control )


Who: Dorcas Meadowes, Edgar Bones, Leoben Yaxley, Geoffrey Nott and Orsino Avery
When: Saturday, 19 September 1980, 10pm
Where: Christchurch Castle
What: Ben keeps his promises
Rating: Violence, language and death
Status: Almost complete log

so here we go, hold on tight and don't let go; i won't ever let you fall )


Yo Molly, I'm really happy for you, and Imma let you finish, but Sophia is the greatest mother of all time.

[Place holder for Eva and her mommy! !npc'd by Manda! ♥]


Who: Eleanor Lovegood
What: Testing a theory
When: BACKDATED - 17 Sept; afternoon
Where: The Rook
Rating: PG
Status: Complete/Narrative

She didn't want to get his hopes up, just to have them shattered )

17th Sep, 2009


Delivered by Owl Order to Frank Longbottom )


Yo Marshall, I'm really happy for you and I'm gonna let you finish, but Ben is one of the best cuddlers of ALL TIME.

[Beneva placeholder, in which Ben is not a robot]


JK! icon stays.

Who: Frank, Alice, Al, Dorcas, Pepper, Emmeline and the handful of people Dorcas invited.
When: 17 September, 1980; Nighttime.
What: Frank's birthday!
Where: Longbottom Cottage
Rating: NC-17
Status: IC/OOC LOG.



Who: Sirius and Remus
What: Sirius vents about everything and nothing.
Where: Sirius' new flat
When: Noon, 14 September, after this entry
Rating: PG
Status: In progress

I try to speak out - bad things happen. I try to stay out of it - bad things happen. I try to help - bad things happen. I feel like I'm just hitting a bloody wall with everything. )

16th Sep, 2009


Who: Evangeline Yaxley
What: Opening Presents
Where: Yaxley Manor- Music Room- Ground Floor
When: 16 September, 1980

Rating: PG
Status: Completed Narrative

Yo Eva, I'm really happy for you, and I'm gonna let you finish, but Dorcas sends the best gifts of all time. )

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October 2009




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