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Tuesday, April 10th, 2012

    Time Event
    Who: Ginny Weasley and Hermione Granger
    What: Hermione is quite upset and comes to see Ginny to vent
    When: November 2nd, 1996. Saturday 11:55pm
    Where: Ginny's Dorm
    Rating: PG-13

    The day and night had been going so well. How had it ended up as total shite? They had won the match. Ron had done amazingly well as Keeper and had stopped shot after shot after shot. Well, when it really counted anyways. The party had just gotten going and then she looked over and saw Ron and Lavender's faces stuck together!

    That was appalling and stomach churning. Ginny was more annoyed than she had expected but there was something worse. She saw Hermione's face as she watched Lavender trying to suck Ron's face off. She looked...crushed.

    Hermione's apparent heartache made Ginny forget her own annoyance as she watched Hermione run off. She was about to follow her but then she saw that Harry was going after her. Ginny was then swept up by the cheering Gryffindors as they celebrated the victory.

    When she could finally get away, Ginny wasn't able to find Hermione. Ginny left the party as things were starting to wind down to grab a shower. Once in bed, she found it impossible to sleep because she was worried about Hermione. In her flannel pj pants and a tank top, she crept upstairs to the sixth year dorms. Quietly, she opened the door and moved to Hermione's fourposter.

    "Hermione?" she whispered softly.

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