Ampfe - Femmeslash Emporium!'s Journal
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Sunday, March 4th, 2012

    Time Event
    She's out of control...that the third one in twelve days time. Soon there will be no titans, the order will be upset and chaos will reign. She needs to control herself, or be stopped. Find a way.

    The sound of metal clanging against metal rang in the air as weapons glinted in sunlight. Various cries echoed in the wind from the warriors that battled in the fields that surrounded the main event. There was a titan and a young woman fighting, a giant and a girl.

    Take care of it.

    "She has taken advantage of my armies far too many times. Danica is my daughter, her expertise at war shows that, but she lacks the control needed. Open the portal. Let her mother deal with her." Ares ordered, turning away.

    Danica ducked behind her shield as the titan's fist came down heavily upon her. Ancile, the shield that had formerly belonged to Ares and had fallen from the heavens only to be torn from the hands of a lowly demon by Danica, pulsed with the power she placed within it. Every strike caused the titan to be damaged by recoil, the giant only bellowing out in pain and getting angrier! Without forewarning, a portal opened behind them transporting them into the bright city of Metropolis.

    The sounds of panicked people, not battle, began to fill the area as civilians fled. The momentary confusion was enough time for the titan to land a back handed blow, sending Danica flying into a nearby van. With the force behind it, the van seemed to crumple around her. Pushing herself up, Danica drew her sword and charged at the titan, shield now on her back. The titan thrusted it's spear forward, but Danica jumped out of the way, sending a swift kick to its head...

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