Ampfe - Femmeslash Emporium!'s Journal
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Tuesday, March 23rd, 2010

    Time Event
    Who: Lavender Brown, Fleur Delacour and a cameo by Katie Bell
    What: Lavender and Fleur finally get their weekend in Paris!
    When: March 20th, 1997. 5pm
    Where: Starting on the Hogwarts Express, then London, then wherever Fleur takes her!
    Rating: PG, for now.

    Lavender was walking on cloud nine the entire week before spring holiday started. It hadn't been easy but she had convinced her parents to let her go to Paris, on her own, with Parvati under the "supervision" of Professor Delacour. That still made her laugh. If her parents only knew…

    She had packed, unpacked and repacked her trunk several times over the days leading up to the day they were to leave for break. She had been very careful around Fleur. They had made it this far without getting caught, she didn't want to get her girlfriend caught, and likely sacked, now!

    They weren't going to be able to meet up until they were off the train. That didn't mean that Lavender didn't want to look her best when she finally caught up to Fleur. One the train, Lavender had touched up her make up incessantly. Having changed out of her uniform, she wore a pair of perfectly tight Versace jeans, matching top and tan suede coat with white fur trim. Her hair was down and ran over her shoulders.

    Making sure her trunk was set aside, she waved to her friends as she left King's Cross station. Parvati was going home with Padma and was getting to Paris on her own. That was all right with Lavender since that meant that she and Fleur had one night genuinely to themselves!

    Walking onto the London street, Lavender moved a few blocks to the west. Walking into a chi café, she got an over-priced latte and moved to sit at a table outside and watched the people as they moved by.

    She had no idea how long it was going to take Fleur to get there, she did have things to do on the train after all, and she tried not to be too anxious but it was hard! A weekend away with her lover? It was like heaven.

    Besides, Lavender had something important to talk to Fleur about and she couldn't wait to tell her.

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