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Wednesday, March 3rd, 2010

    Time Event
    Who: Ginny Weasley and Fleur Delacour
    What: Ginny is pissed…
    When: February 6th, Saturday. 11:50pm
    Where: Hogsmeade.
    Rating: NC-17

    Ginny was so angry and hurt she had no idea how to cope with it. She felt guilty too. Terribly guilty. Was this how Katie felt when she was out with other people? Had she been so torn up about it? Ginny hated to think that she had.

    Plus, what did she see in that stupid art slag anyways? Lucy had slept with everyone! Well, not that she knew that, but it seemed to fit! What did Katie want with her? Of course, Ginny couldn't reconcile her hypocrisy over that statement.

    Then, there was Fleur. Katie told her about hooking up with their teacher. She'd played it off as best she could but she was still smarting from it. Then, Fleur had the audacity to approach Katie in the middle of Hogsmeade.

    Not really thinking about the consequence, Ginny followed Fleur until she entered a part of Hgsmeade where no one was around. Then, she stepped out from around the corner. "Hello, Professor," she called out, her tone tight and unfriendly. Slowly, she started to walk up to Fleur.

    Though, not too close. She refused to let Fleur get the better of her like she did so many other people…

    Folding her arms across her chest, she blew a lock of hair out of her face that had fallen out of her ponytail. Ginny wore a dark green jumper and wool coat over a pair of brown corduroy overalls. The wind and cold had colored her cheeks red.

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