Ampfe - Femmeslash Emporium!'s Journal
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Monday, February 1st, 2010

    Time Event
    Who: Lucilia d’Ancord and Katie Bell
    What: Lucy and Katie have an assignment to do. But all work and no fun...
    When: Wednesday, February 3, 1997. 6pm.
    Where: Lucy's dorm room.
    Rating: NC-17

    Waiting in her room, Lucy discarded her school sweater onto the floor, but left her school skirt on with blouse untucked and a stitching she had done in the breast of a raven, and her tie loosely around her neck. Kicking off her shoes but leaving her knee highs, she waited for Katie.

    Professor Delacour had assigned partners, a rare event - usually the woman let them pick their own partners. But it wasn't like she was complaining, she had always found the quidditch captain attractive. So she accepted Katie as her partner and they had quickly chosen a topic of a charm to do their presentation on and made plans to meet after dinner in her dorm, since she had heard that Audrey would be doing something or other and not be back until later.

    So, sitting on her bed as she waited for Katie, Lucy bit her nails as she tried to plan out a way of getting more from this encounter than a project start. She had heard the rumors that Katie was a different person in bed. More dominant. Lucy was excited.

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